GACH Global Mining Company stands out in Sanyang for paying royalties, funding community projects, and demonstrating strong corporate social responsibility, earning praise from the Sanyang Village Development Committee for their significant contributions benefiting the local community.
Cornerstone Construction Company, working on a fifty-kilometer road in Basse, donated a borehole for a remote Central River Region North community and provided food items to Upper River Region communities, showcasing their corporate social responsibility efforts and commitment to quality work since 1991.
The Ministry of Transport, Works and Infrastructure in Gambia has partnered with the National Roads Authority to sign a contract with AREZKI Company for the construction of the Bertil Harding Highway phase III. The project includes the construction of a new bridge, traffic lights, cameras, and service roads. AREZKI, which also constructed the first two phases of the highway, has already secured 70% of the resources needed for the third phase. The project is part of the Ministry's efforts to oversee the construction of about 500 kilometers of roads across the country.