Former staff of Kerewan Area Council admitted to withdrawing large sums of money without documentation, following orders from senior officials. Testifying before inquiry, they detailed withdrawals totaling hundreds of thousands of dalasis, emphasizing lack of vouchers for transactions.
Plumber and borehole driller, Momodou Gajaga, questioned at local government inquiry for receiving D1,376,025 to drill two boreholes, explaining higher payment due to specific council request for quality materials and larger borehole sizes, with detailed breakdown of expenses and installation of taps
Brikama Area Council chairman disbursed D28 million as ward development funds to 28 elected councillors in the West Coast Region, aiming to address challenges like waste management and infrastructure, with the funds sourced from tax revenues and not external grants.
Fatou Jaiteh, a procurement officer at Kerewan Area Council, testified before the Local Government Commission of Enquiry, exposing widespread violations of procurement laws and procedures, detailing a culture of mismanagement and lack of involvement in decision-making, leading to noncompliance with regulations.
Kuntaur Area Council CEO admits bypassing procurement rules in purchasing motorbikes, selecting supplier without proper process. Inquiry reveals discrepancies in records, confusion over payments to contractors, and lack of transparency in procurement and disposal processes.
Former Kuntaur Area Council CEO Pa Nfansu Darboe faced allegations of financial mismanagement and irregular land transactions during his testimony before the Gambia Local Government Commission, admitting to unauthorized payments and procurement inconsistencies while denying direct involvement in disputed land sales.
Former Kuntaur Area Council CEO confessed to breaching financial regulations, inflating budget figures, and allowing unlawful practices, including unauthorized payments from revenue collectors and awarding contracts without competitive bidding. Commission inquiry revealed deliberate budget inflation and non-compliance with procurement processes. – (BANJUL, The Gambia) – Pa Fansu Darboe, the former Chief Executive Officer of the Kuntaur Area Council (KAC), has admitted to flouting procurement regulations, approving unauthorized financial practices, and inflating budget figures during his testimony before a commission of inquiry. When pressed by Gomez on whether KAC followed procurement regulations, Darboe admitted, “No, we were not following the procurement processes.”
In a further admission of financial irregularities, Darboe disclosed that he authorized revenue collectors to make direct payments from collected funds before depositing them into the council’s bank account—an explicit violation of financial regulations. Commission Chairperson Jainaba Bah questioned Darboe on why the council projected revenue of 17 million dalasi in one year despite having collected only six million the previous year.