Episode 2024-08-21
Podcast bi amul ci bess bi

Today's Stories


**GDC mënoon ko ab yéeg téemeel boppam gu ñu bari silindiñ**

Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC) dafa ame wër ci kaw suuf ci kaw jamono ci réew mi. Yoon yi di laaj baaxu ñi ngi def nga wone jëmbët yi ak ñu bariwul.
The Standard

UDP ngi nu leen ngay jang-jang lu ci diggante ñuñal yi ñu ngi jagleekoon ci Senegaal

Mbootaayu Demokraasi Ëpp Anteekoon (UDP) daal di demal fekk ci kenn, ko tax nañu mbir yu bari ak yéene yu bari ci njabootu jiihaw Yoonir wi. Mbootaayu daal di wéeri ko dem bu nuy wax fee jiitu fu wut, ak moom xam ne ci seen yewwutoonu dees ngi fan ak xeex muy bind ci def wiis a tekki mooy tudde ci ron girafu Gambi ci njabootu gaal. https://standard.gm/udps-manneh-calls-for-overhaul-of-gambias-diplomatic-missions/
The Standard

Gaambi ko xàm-xàm wi jóge yu amul ci yaxam-ñuul

Bar Association bi doon agn yomb na leer yi ne gën a waxtu garab yi
Kerr Fatou

Kanifing Bennoo Siggil Jigeeni Eco Sa Rewbe

Kanifing Muyisib Council mooy di ngi xamoo suñu taxawaay baat bi Green City Initiative, moo ko doon yegati dooleel boo xaw a yutal ak jàngu ci gox yi tey, ak gis-gis leen di ñoom ñu leen. Mooy baat bi mu waxoon ci kër gi, mooy sabab boo wóor ngi agsi dàkku ci ñoom guy ñuy wax ci kër gi. https://standard.gm/mkac-launches-first-ever-green-city-initiative-in-gambia/
The Standard

GDC wayy ci gëstu ci jëmbëtatiinug gëstu gi

Kongres Gi Demokrasi Gambi (GDC) feeñal ko gowa ngaykoom lañu am ci géej gi ci pexe ci diggantey Gambi. Bartu gis ci mbooleem yi ngay génne ci wër ak ci ngànnaayu ci biir. https://standard.gm/gdc-demands-government-transparency-on-oil-drilling-activities
The Standard

**Land Dispute in Lamin Puts Over 280 Homes at Risk**

Jamono jóge yu Lamin CDC dina dox, te wonuwaat 280 xay bi dugg. Dugg bi daña xettali demal yu neex sate loxo muy di soxor xon nabi.
Kerr Fatou

GDC Wax nañu ko barab la gis ci ndoxal yu bare mi

Gaambi Demokrasi Kongre (GDC) bokk na ñaanal ngir aar ngir ndeyam yi ñu war, dinaane ngir om boo jaay it, Dinaane ngir gii ngir yaram yi ngir envirònment.
The Standard

Gunu tànni Wolof la ndax seen yitte ci Lamin taxaw 280 sedd

Fiiri ŋuuru gacce bu jur gi Lamin CDC sax fiifi lepp 280 nettali yu barab muy bokk
Kerr Fatou

Gambia-Senegaal rawati yéppati ci yéppati xaralaŋ ci yéppati ci yéppati ci yéppati ci ci yéppati ci yéppati ci yéppati ci yéppati ci yéppati ci ci yéppati ci

Gambia ak Senegal daay faatu fexe ci ñoom yuy tudde ci xeetu ñaani mi ngi koy jàppaleel bokkul bu tàkk gu njëkk ci tukki bu njëkk ngir ñàkk ci boppam ak jàmm. Ñu doon bëgg ci ñoom yuy jàppaleel bokaadi ak tawattu ginaaw bi ñu doonoon.
Fatu Network

Birikama barke bi dañu ko gaañlu ci àq gaal gu murab

Vendors at the Brikama Market have expressed growing frustration with the deteriorating market conditions, particularly during the rainy season. They are urging local authorities to address infrastructure issues and improve sanitation. https://fatunetwork.net/brikama-vendors-voice-frustration-over-market-conditions
Fatu Network

BSIC Gambia Ngeexe Aadamaŋu ŋun Mash Nguur bi feneen Brikama

BSIC Gambia di dem ba banka yu bees bi la Brikama, ba ax dañu ci ligeey nag la amul itam
The Standard

**Kanifing Municipal Council da ngay xeltu ci "Green City Initiative"**

Faŋŋiy Komuŋ ci Kanifiŋ yi jeŋngal ak Initiative ki, mbaa ngi koy fay baŋŋu ngir xam ngir siuw njoreeŋ ci njaxaat ak yuŋ ak fëndul fukki at gi ñu ko. Njiit li ñu seytal ngir koy sëndi liy ñu tool ñi ci njaxaat leen ko.
The Standard

**Health Ministry Addresses Mpox Concerns Amid Growing Public Anxiety**

Loolu Ministaar yu Baatuŋ Ndamul bokkul dikkaŋte Mpox baat ya, mool yu ŋuuru laMoy. Ministaaru bokkul di ñaaniwaal waral waxtaan, ci am ci reew mi ŋuuru yaram ci man a ŋuuru. https://standard.gm/health-ministry-says-no-need-for-panic-over-mpox/
The Standard

Doylu Laamin Lu def bind bind lu 280 réer li

Baati waajal yu teg toon di Lamin CDC la gën a defaat, dafa tur wi jóge ñaari at yii 280. Ndendi gu am ci njëkk yi ñu dafaa sutt ngir nangu ci gën a jokkoo ci baati ya. https://www.kerrfatou.com/land-dispute-puts-over-280-homes-in-lamin-cdc-at-risk-of-eviction-amrc-seeks-resolution/
Kerr Fatou

Ɓàmmeŋgi Arbiiram Demandi Gox wu ñu

Vendors at Brikama Market have voiced their concerns over deteriorating conditions, particularly during the rainy season. They are calling on local authorities to take immediate action to improve market infrastructure and sanitation. https://fatunetwork.net/brikama-vendors-voice-concerns-over-market-conditions/
Fatu Network

**BSIC Gambia Opens New Branch in Brikama**

BSIC Gambia jëf la buy barabi dañu bu baaxu ci Brikama, dafa bari xar walla juróomu coowlé ci diggante yu baribu jukki bi. Waxtu jaar juy waxtaan a téere, dañu jamonoon muur yi génne. Ñi gis-gis laaj bi BSIC téere ci yoonu xare. https://standard.gm/bsic-gambia-opens-brikama-branch/
The Standard