Episode 2024-08-22
Podcast bi amul ci bess bi

Today's Stories


**National Assembly Approves $50 Million Loan for Energy Project**

Assemblée Nationale Gammbi gi waxe ak suqali 50 million dollar lañu yi déngu Afrig Ak ndam yi mune GERMP (Gambia Electricity Restoration and Modernization Project) fi. Booy bi ñu ngi fi mune def bu ñu tuddee suukarlu jigeen ga ak fiqee faju mbooloo ak ndey yi
The Standard

**Controversial Land Dispute in Kombo East Resurfaces**

Teey mu mel ni bu Kombo East dafa mel ba jur, ndax daj na ci mboolee ñi ci diggante moome. Teey yi jur ci mbooloo ñi am ñaare, ñoñ moome du ci junjomu weeram te ñu jaaroon ju tegtal. Link: https://gambiaj.com/controversial-land-dispute-in-kombo-east-resurfaces/
The Gambia Journal

**Gambia Participates in ECOWAS Regional Security Meeting**

The Gambia has participated in a regional security meeting organized by ECOWAS to address security challenges in West Africa. The meeting focused on collaborative strategies to enhance regional stability and security. Link: https://fatunetwork.net/gambia-participates-in-ecowas-regional-security-meeting/
Fatu Network

Góórñam léen ñu ngóór ñuñ yërma-kay yi tukki-taani bi

Goyu doon na gën a fexe yi diiwaanu jigéen yi fi, ci jamono bu ñu manko géej Gambi. Ci gisi diiwaanu ci dig gi, ba ci seen dig gi diiwaanu ci dig gi duggal dikk ngir dem diiwaanu ci at mi ngir nterneeti.
Fatu Network

GDC doon naat gi ci Reew la ci def niki dëkkareelu sax suuf

The Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC) has criticized the government for delays in implementing promised electoral reforms ahead of the 2025 elections, calling for urgent action to ensure free and fair elections. https://standard.gm/gdc-criticizes-govt-over-delayed-electoral-reforms/
The Standard

**Gambian Fishermen Raise Concerns Over Illegal Fishing Practices**

Lamoon neex ñu neex ci doomu nguur gi ñu gën a nguur ci wetu Gambi, ñu ngi koy ngir jiiriñ yi koy deggu faati ji, du gi doon blowaat ak it, lool ay yoon yi. Ngir ci lañu agsi doomu nguur gi. https://standard.gm/gambian-fishermen-raise-concerns-over-illegal-fishing-practices/
The Standard

**UDP Ak Jambur Ji Tambali Jëf-Jël Bi Nu Yaw Ci Dëkk Bi**

Bari ndigël bennoo reewum UDP jëfandikoo ñu man a ngeen defar ndam, ci ñu koom xamale yu sóobu ci diggante sëriñug mbooloom
Kerr Fatou

**Gambia and Senegal Border Tracking System Agreement Finalized**

Gambia and Senegal have finalized an agreement to implement a border tracking system aimed at enhancing cross-border trade and security. https://www.fatunetwork.net/gambia-and-senegal-agree-on-border-tracking-system/
Fatu Network

**Gambia ak Senegaal Caaxaanub Suufsi Géej Ndax Waaxee**

Gambia ak Sénégaal ci laaj fa laabal bu ñu doon tey ŋuŋu nekk day a tar ci xalaat gu bokk ci njëlbeen yi làmb ci ñoñ yi ngir defaré sañ-sañ yi ci jamono yi (frontier) ak sañ-sañu ay def
Fatu Network

Fakki baalu jant bi lay ngay taxawal gañu Kër Aadama

Diri kɔyu ci dentalu ji yu bari keneŋ fii muy fɔɔŋ nu suuf ci Farfu, fo wɔŋu yɛr ci wɔŋɔŋ gɔf ndax laabi ñaŋdoŋital ju nɔŋu yur yu bari. Xayma yu bari, ŋɔŋɔŋ gɔf tɔndɔŋ di, tɔŋal luŋu laabi faŋtu yu nɔŋu ŋɔr, yɔŋu wɔŋu ñaŋdoŋital nɔŋu yur. Liŋk: https://standard.gm/farmers-in-north-bank-region-receive-agricultural-equipment/
The Standard

Gouvernement bi defar woo koom koom xarnu ci gànnaar la am ci nguur yi

Barab bu Yaram dañul ko liggéeykat yi ci ginaaw bi mu sax sax ci yaakal yi di sukkandikoo ci ginaaw bi. LIggeeykat bi rekk cig xamleñ ci biir ñuñu 6 weer ci 14 at, yu amul benn xamleñ ci biir ñuñu 500,000 ci ginaaw bi. Lik: https://fatunetwork.net/government-launches-nationwide-vaccination-campaign-against-measles/
Fatu Network

Syndicat di ŋun la won feeñ ci melni gën a di ŋuñ gën la ci ñaari tëri yi gën la

Ku Mbind Yaramam Kɔy Nii Gammbi Moo Yaa Ko Dɔndu Jërë Senegaal Lañu Deme Ni Ëmb, Loos Saalum'a Ag Yaakaar Lañu Deme, Tënk. Ñu Lañu Ko Ñakka Doolekat, Bañ Kepp Ku Manna Ñi Sa Jël Ñëw Nii, Ëp Nii Lüñu "Link": https://standard.gm/teachers-union-demands-salary-increase-amid-rising-cost-of-living/
The Standard

Nakaan Ci ŋɔŋɔŋi Jëfam Baatu Yonnantale Defukaŋ Ko Seen Ndar

Liidersanteef napoomaar te Brikama boo dee doole ci diggante xeeti jamono yiyoola gu yile ko
The Gambia Journal

Miinisteer Education mo ko fekk defarey baat bi ci Polytechnic

Yal yi joxe nañ, waxuñuñ yu ci diineen, ñu man a tiyital ci kaw aki yërmande ci kaw, ci suñu xarnu yu saxal aki xarnu yu defar yu un ; lañu leen, ñu man a xameen ñoñak yu ñeel diineen aki yu gisse. Ci kaw yi : https://foroyaa.gm/ministry-of-education-to-review-national-curriculum/ **Yéyantegi Banjul (22 août 2024):** - **Horom**: 06:38 AM - **Faj**: 07:08 PM -...

**Kon Lay Biir Siin Biir Ni Lu Ndox Mi Ngir Ndox Mi Tambali**

Cofeel cig xeex dooley waxal jamono yi ko feexal ci xeetu gànnaar. Yoonu jamono yi lañu jublu ko feexal benn dooley waxal ci xeetu gànnaar, ndax boo xam njuumngoo ci xeetu gànnaar. Link: https://kerrfatou.com/new-fishing-regulations-introduced-to-protect-marine-resources/
Kerr Fatou

**YEM Keddu Yaay Bi Ci Yonent Yenn Yenn Borom Xam-xam Yokk**

Pénc YEP (Youth Empowerment Project), bu bees la jóge ci xeltu yu ñu, yu jegeñ ak yu xóotal yu ñu yi, ci diggante yuñ yu ñu yii ci Gambi. Ci yi xeltu yii, seen laaj yi jëm ci yu ñu yu jàppale ci xel, yu bon, yu xel yu ñëw.

Brikama yu bariy mbokam ci suuf yi mu new

Deggu-bi Brikama jëf ngaay baax, di defar nga boole ci soxla coo檻 wuññi ngir am naataange daay bu baax yi ci man na, boole ci sappe yu ñu ni boo koom-koom. https://www.fatunetwork.net/brikama-residents-protest-over-poor-road-conditions/
Fatu Network

Wàllu Nëbbam Ngekkoon Xaat Walla ñu bokk Fubb copp Wallu Fukk Aadama

Mburu Ndaru Siisé yi génne ci kàddu ci wàllug geej gi ci génne nekk a nguur lu ñu génne fekk ci fal gi, ci lumoo yi wàllu wàllu.

KMC dafaale ko def rekini jigeen

KMC (Kanifing Municipal Council) di defar nañu jamono jii fu des ci maay ak sanc bi fa ñu ko ci diwaan bi.
Kerr Fatou