Episode 2024-09-03
Podcast bi amul ci bess bi

Today's Stories


**Gambia and Senegal Border Tracking System Agreement Finalized**

Gambia and Senegal have finalized an agreement to implement a border tracking system aimed at enhancing cross-border trade and security. https://www.fatunetwork.net/gambia-and-senegal-finalize-border-tracking-system-agreement/
Fatu Network

Barrow moom Gambia jëkk a amul connaissances ci énergie renouvelable ci Sin

Jaare Barrow jël di la Gambia faat fi mënn jàm faale wi jot dafa woyof la ci dèkk-dèkki gën a rëy seetaan, nekkoon la ndam ñu weeru ci wërgu Senegaal wi.
The Standard

**Njàngaru guwernmaante bi xam sa yaatal diine ba kanam, jóotay yoon wi li Farafenni**

The government's new cement policy has resulted in increased prices and job losses in Farafenni, causing economic hardship for residents. https://www.voicegambia.com/2024/09/02/govts-cement-policy-causes-loss-of-livelihoods-price-hike-in-farafenni/
The Voice

Bank Central biyewu Gambia dafa saxal ci xel bi njomboor bi ci njari diiwaanu liggéeyi soof

Gambia Tɔŋu Banku yuŋoob diŋuŋi debbo ŋu arduŋi ŋoo banki yi latitoo waaxi feeŋal fuel import tax invasion scandal yu léŋŋ. https://www.gambiaj.com/gambia-central-bank-probes-banks-role-in-fuel-import-tax-evasion-scandal/
The Gambia Journal

**PURA defal NAWEC ngir njuum suuf di am bindale ci jëme yi**

PURA daay mbooloo NAWEC ji nekk feema ay joogu ci biir gaal bi kenn ci kawar
The Standard

**GBA Criticizes Lack of Transparency in Constitutional Reform Process**

Gambia Bar Association (GBA) dafa fay ndax lañu ci xel di am ñu nekk ci naqar yu bari ci Xeer yu 2020 bi, ñu nekk ci ñaari ab jur ci jur yi nekk, di am ci yaatu nelaw yu ñu ci soxal ci digg bi, man na dem ci diggante bi mu nekk ci Geex, taxawal lañu ci kaw baax ci nelawam yi ci saa xibar bi
Kerr Fatou

**Assembly Urged to Demand Disclosure of Migration Deal with Spain**

Suñu Fass-ndam gu yu bari ci Tunka Njariñ yi dafa loxo ci xibaaru wi ci ŋuuru Senegaal yi ne ŋuuru Ispaañ. https://standard.gm/assembly-urged-to-demand-disclosure-of-migration-deal-with-spain/
The Standard

Sunuy Adduna Jikko yi Taxawu Coonoon COVID-19

Ku boppam wuutu Ministêri Suxu ñu ci ndox yu rafet yi tekki ci defar COVID-19 yi, ma ci am solo ci wutir ci xeex faarale ca tal yi. https://foroyaa.net/ministry-of-health-responds-to-covid-19-spike-concerns/ **Daaraam Njariñu Gambi yi** - Nu nguute yu daaraam daan 29°C, ci juroom daan 24°C. Ciy mere yu don...

Jah Oil dafa andialee leko Gam Petroleum dafee karam Apogee lu feeñale OMC gi Gambi

Jah Oil da warnal Gam Petroleum ci la ko dëggu-dëggu Apogee Company, dañoo ci biir kàddu yi OMCS ji moom dañoo woon.
The Standard

Gambia, Senegaal bu jóge Afrig bu Réewi yu ñu am Leegi Ruusi bu Ñuat, jàlluwaay Demex bi

Teggiin yi ñu jël ba Gaambi ak Senegaal boobu nguur yu ñu ngi defare ci Ruusi la, ci jëf ci bawoo yi Demex ñu duggalal, ci fagaru xalaati yu dëkksi. https://www.gambiaj.com/gambia-senegal-among-west-african-nations-receiving-russian-oil-through-covert-demex-operations/
The Gambia Journal