Nigeria ci ngëggante diine 5,000km mindini gaas, dañuy nit ki ci samm ci Tubaab U Fuuta, bind ci ŋugal ci gox yi.
A tragic discovery of 150 decomposed bodies of migrants was made off the coast of Senegal, highlighting the ongoing risks of illegal migration.
Gambia gisuma ñuy làkku ci xeex yu bari doxal sañ mooy jëfandikug Jammeh, kon ci seen la xalaat co ci pawlimooru ECOWAS.
GIZ da faatal seen lekkale yu nit ku nekk ci sen doolu Gambi, loolu li am li am-am, li koy yomalay jàmm ak cosañ ji nga xam ne ci seen wér ak seen lábbaayu reew yi.
Jàngu jigéen yi ab taxawal cosaanam bu baaxam ak xoox ak biram yu doxugalu ak yoon wi: --- **Njaru nguur yu jàll Gambi dafa nekku:** Koshaan tey, maana wu jàll dafa nekku 31°C tey, maana wu gën a dafa nekku 26°C. Njaru boobu am na duggam yuy woor dikk. - **Jàmm ji:** 6:50 AM
Mohammad Bazzi, a known ally of former President Jammeh, has pleaded guilty to terrorism financing charges in the U.S., underscoring ongoing legal battles involving Gambian figures.