Episode 2025-02-12

Today's Stories


Transparency Int’l Dafa Lëkkal Gambia 96 Ci Ñëw Yi Mooy Nekk Ak Yeesal Ci 180 – The Standard Newspaper

Transparency International yi 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index bi daal na The Gambia 38, ci adduna bi 96 la it jëm. Senegal la it 69. Njariñu corruption ci adduna bi daa koy yëg, ak sub-Saharan Africa bi ñu yëg ci suufu bi 33. Seychelles ak Cabo Verde lañu war a jëflante. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof (2 paragraph bi ñepp), dafa mel ni war nga jëfandikoo.
The Standard

GRA Jëfandikukat buñu Jublu D5 Million ci Takku Jukkalekaay – The Standard Newspaper

Jëfandikukat bu ñu jëfandikoo ci Gambia Revenue Authority, Fatou Secka, dañoo ci jëfandiku Bundung Magistrates’ Court ci mbir mi ngir am xalis ci yoonu mbedd, ndax dafa maye jëfandikukat yi ci xew-xew yu jublu ci D5.25 million; dafa doon ci la bàyyiwaat ak dafa jëfandikoo bàkkaar. Dafa war a jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk (2 paragraph bi ñu dox), xamal ci seen bopp.
The Standard

MoBSE gi Justification ci Sayt Selection Exclusive ci Wolof ci Projet Pilote MEISS la – The Standard Newspaper

Ministeeri Bàs ak Sëkondeer gi ci Gambia dafay yëgle ci saytaneek ak saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci saytaneek ci sayt
The Standard

Re: Gambia Dugg Ci 81 Xarum Loolu Nekkin Trump Gëm Gis-Gis Bi Nekkoon Ci ICC – The Standard Newspaper

Ousman Sanneh, ki moo jëm Accra, Ghana, dafa yëngal Gambia ci seen bëgëg bi di yëngal ci Trump, prësidaanu Etas Unis, ci seen bëgëg bi di sankiyoone ICC, ngir dafa sey, dafa mel ni, lëndëm yu yëgoon yu nekk ci seen bopp. Mohammed Jallow, ki moo jëm Serekunda, dafa yëg Inspector General la wara topp ci lëndëm yu xaw ci Kairaba Avenue, ci weeru xarit. Jëleen yëg ci Wolof rekk (2 paragraf bi ñu ñëw), duñu yëg benn loxo.
The Standard

ONU Dëggal Na Loollu Ci Taux Bëttaayu Ndey Sama Yaye Ci Gambia – The Standard Newspaper

Komite UN ci Xaqaayu Doomu Xarit dafa yëngal ay suufu ci mbiru doomu Gambia, yépp ci biir gi, ku am ay tolluwaayu guur gi, ku am tolluwaayu ci waxtaanu. Rapoor bi dafa taxawal ay sababu ci doom yi ngañu defar, ay xibaar ci xew-xew bi, te dafa bëggal ay mesur yi te ay stratégi gu hol bu doom yi am ay xaqaay. Yëgle ko ci Wolof rekk (2 paragraf su feex), benn xel rekk.
The Standard

25 Jigeen Gambia Guddi Gëm Sañse bi Nexee Saudi Arabia Liggey Ci Atte Yoon – The Standard Newspaper

Fukki-fukki benn yaye Gambia bi ñuy jële ci Arabi Saoudi, ak yeneeni ñi ñuy doon ci topp, su ñu jëfandikoo atelié bi ñu jëfandikoo ci tolluwaayu demb, ngir ñu am solo ci kontrat yi ñu am ci atum bi. Ñu am solo moo ko yëg ci liggéeyu Afrig bi. Ci jëfëndiku Wolof bi nomoon (fukki-fukki paragraph), dafa mel ni waral.
The Standard

Ecowas, Türkiye dëkkal ci jëfandikoo teroor bi ak yuus yu nekk ci Afrik gu Wees – The Standard Newspaper

Ambassadër Turki gu bëgge ci Nigera ak ECOWAS dañuy faral ak Prezidã ECOWAS ci Abuja, ñëw ak xew-xew ak tey-jëfandikooju ci jëfandikooju, di jëfandikooju ak yoon ak jëfandikooju ci tey-jëfandikooju, ak di jëfandikooju ak Türkiye dañoo jëfandikooju ak jëfandikooju ci Afrik gu Wëst. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk (2 paragraf ñu nangu), dafay ñëw.
The Standard

Independence Stadium bi Xam ne Nekkoon Na? - The Standard Newspaper

Gambians yi dañu jëflante ak Caf ngir yëgale Independence Stadium, ndax bëgg naa yëg ci kër gi ci luy topp team nationale; ñu yëgle ci xel mi, du jëfandikoo, du yëgle ci ñoom, ak ñoomu xew-xew bi nga am solo ci yëgale. Yëgle ci Wolof rekk (maximum 2 paragraph), benn xel bu nekk.
The Standard


CHAN-Gambia ñaari doomu mbokk yi, yu nekk ci mbiri-si, dañoo yeesal ci loxooy yi góor gi ci kanam Alagie Sarr ak 40 doomu mbokk yi ñu wóor ci ligeyu GFF, ak yoonu Jane Joof ak Alieu Jagne, yu nekk ci Fortune FC ak Medina United. Doomu mbokk yi ñu wóor ci ligeyu GFF, ak yoonu Jane Joof ak Alieu Jagne, yu nekk ci Fortune FC ak Medina United.
The Standard

Prezidan Umaro Sissoco Embaló dafa amulal Gine Bissau ci Yoonu Kewwañ bi, tey Ecowas dafa amul wax – The Standard Newspaper

Popular Front moo tax ci bataaxal bu ubbeeku ci jëfandikukat yi ñi Guinea Bissau, moo taxaw President Embaló ak xelam yi dañuy jëfandikoo, moo jëflante yëgle jëfandikukat yi, yëgle xelam yi, bëtëg-bëtëg yi ak moomu jëfandikoo, moo taxawal toppale jëfandikukat bu demokaraasi ak yoonu wàllu wàllu. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk lañuy wax (maximum 2 paragraph), waxtu ñu ko bokk.
The Standard

Trump moo jëfandikoo jëfekaayu Afrik bi - The Standard Newspaper

Prezidànt Trump bu Ëtats-Unis, dañu ko defar 90 fan lañu yàggal bi mu am, ak yoonu USAID lañu doxadi, dañu ko yëg yëgul ak takk ci Afrik, dañu ko yëg yëgul xibaar yu néew yu bari ak HIV/AIDS ci Afrik di Sid, yoonu xarum xarit ci Nigéria, yoonu xibaar yu néew ci Sudan, ak project yi ci Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, ak Gambia. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof (2 paragraf bi ñu am), waaye du ñu.
The Standard

Gambia Dëkkal Ci Indeksu Moomu Koripsion, Waaye Xew-xew Yi Am na – The Fatu Network

Gambia moo am jëfandikoo ci 96éem yoon ci 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index ak xibaar bu 38, tey jëfandikoo ay défi yu yëg yëg, te Senegal rang ci 69éem ak xibaar bu 45. Jëfandikoo yu bëj-gënaar ak yàlla jëfandikoo yu amul benn, ak xibaar yu yëg yëg ci 50. Xëyna jëfandikoo ci Wolof (2 paragraf su ëpp), benn lañuy wax.
Fatu Network

ATAF dajale ko ci Ouagadougou, ci béj-giñ ak juum ak juum, ci jublu tax bi ci Afrik – The Fatu Network

Jaaykat bu bëgg a yëngal Afrik gëna ñeel ci Ouagadougou su ñeel bés bu ATAF yàgg na, ngir yëngal wax ji taxawu, yëgal jëfandikoo, ak yëkkal bët bu media ak yëngukaayu tax, ci sañ-sañu tax, dëkkaliku politig, ak warug ëkonomi. Dafay jëfandikoo ci Wolof (bés bu ñeent la bari), dafay jëfandikoo.
Fatu Network

Tension Siyasi Dëkk Na Ci Kiang Suñu Moom NPP Ak UDP Ñàkkoon Ñëw Ci Yëg Yëgul Masembeh Ñaari Biir – The Fatu Network

Ci mbiri ci Masembeh ward, boroom mbir mi dafa yéeg tey ci National People’s Party (NPP) ak United Democratic Party (UDP) su fekk nañu politig bi ñu gëna yobale, ak MC Cham Junior bi ci UDP la jëfandikoo Kiang yaram yi suñu dal ci UDP su NPP. Jëfandikoo Wolof bi nom (2 paragraph bi nom), duñu ko.
Fatu Network

Gambia Dëkk-na Ci Xët yi Ñu Nëbbu Moomu Njëkkëru Gëstu, Waaye Dëkkal yi Am na – The Fatu Network

Gambia moo taxaw ci 96éem rang ci 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index ak benn xew xew bu 38, tey Senegal dañ koy taxaw ci 69éem rang ak benn xew xew bu 45. Soo ko tax, ñattu jëfandikukat bu gëna am solo, tey dafa yëg yëgle ak jëfandikukat yu nekk ci gëmënaayu nit ak yëgle yu nekk ci warug mbir. Jëfandikukat bi Wolof rekk lañ ko yëgle (maximum 2 paragraph), dafa mel ni waral.
Fatu Network

ATAF dëkk na ñeent yoon ci Ouagadougou ngir gëna yëkk tax awareness ci Afrik – The Fatu Network

Jaaykat bu benni Afrik yi ñu yobale ci Ouagadougou ngir wànteer biir ATAF ci angale tax bi ak doomuwaay bi. Waxtaan yi ñu jëfandikoo ci rëddu media ci seen bopp, ci wànteeru tax bi, ak ci yeesal yoonu tax bi ngir yàggal seen yoonu jëfandikoo ci yoonu jëfandikoo. Jaaykat yi ñu jëfandikoo ci rëddu media ci seen bopp, ci wànteeru tax bi, ak ci yeesal yoonu tax bi ngir yàggal seen yoonu jëfandikoo ci yoonu jëfandikoo.
Fatu Network

Tension Politik Dëkk Na Ci Kiang Nekkoonu NPP Ak UDP Gëna Yëngu Ñu Jëfandikoo Masembeh Ci Ñaawal Bi - The Fatu Network

Ci xëtu ñaani-bët Masembeh, NPP ak UDP dañuy jëfandikoo yoonu jëfandikoo, soo tax mu nekkoon na ci seeni xëtu jëfandikoo. MC Cham Junior daa laaj Kiang yaram yi ngir dañuy dox UDP, moom daa taxawal NPP ci seeni yoonu jëfandikoo ak seeni yëg-yëg yu amul bët. Yéeneen parti dañuy jëfandikoo ci xëtu yaram yi. Jëfandiku ci Wolof (2 paragraf ñu nekk), dafa mel ni waral.
Fatu Network

The Gambia Journal2024 Corruption Index – The Gambia dëkk na ci Zone Rouge

Transparency International bi 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index moo xam ne Gambia dundu na 98 ci dunia bi, ak xibaar bu 37, moo taxawal nekk bu jëfandikoo ci biir àdduna bi. Senegal, bu ñeel Gambia, dundu na ci xët 70 ak xibaar bu 43, moo taxawal nekk bu jëfandikoo ci biir àdduna bi. Dafa mel ni Guinea-Bissau dafa jëfandikoo ci biir àdduna bi. Ci kër gi, Guinea-Bissau dafa mel ni dafa jëfandikoo ci biir àdduna bi.
Gambia Journal

The Gambia JournalResidents yi Medina-Mary ñu la Bëgg Bënnu Gambia yi ñu Dëkk ci Tëru Senegal

Nëb-bëtukaay yi ci Medina-Mary ci Senegal dañuy laaj yëngukaayukaay yi ci Gambia yu nekk ci tërëg yi gëna bëgg, moo doxandu ñuul ak yëngukaay yi du mana a autorise. Fonkëru Senegal lañuy seetali nit yi am kàrt yi Senegal, yu nekk ci tërëg, yëngukaay yi du mana a autorise. Dañuy yëgle ak laaj yëngukaay yi ci Gambia yu nekk ci tërëg yi gëna bëgg, moo doxandu ñuul ak yëngukaay yi du mana a autorise. Yëgle ak laaj yëngukaay yi ci Gambia yu nekk ci tërëg yi gëna bëgg, moo doxandu ñuul ak yëngukaay yi du mana a autorise. Fonkëru Senegal lañuy seetali nit yi am kàrt yi Senegal, yu nekk ci tërëg, yëngukaay yi du mana a autorise. Dañuy yëgle ak laaj yëngukaay yi ci Gambia yu nekk ci tërëg yi gëna bëgg, moo doxandu ñuul ak yëngukaay yi du mana a autorise.
Gambia Journal

The Gambia JournalFormer Kuntaur CEO Jëfandikoo Yoonu Yëgle Jëfandikoo Luy Taxawal Ci Lankandiku Testimony

Ku xët bu jiitu Kuntaur Area Council, Pa Nfansu Darboe, dafa yëglee ci xelam ay jëfandikooji yu bari ak ay jëfandikooji suufu suuf ci seen témoignage ci Gambia Local Government Commission, yoonu amoon ci ay paiements yu autorisé yu nekk ak ay jëfandikooji yu doy war ci seen bopp. Dafa nangu woon ci seen bopp ci ay jëfandikooji suufu suuf. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk (2 paragraph bi ñu dox), duñu ko defar.
Gambia Journal

February With 1xBet: Catch Gifts, Profitable Promos, And Much More! – The Standard Newspaper

1xBet offers exclusive February promos including a 200% welcome bonus, Jackpot of the Week, Accumulator of the Day, and more. Exciting sports events lined up, like Champions League playoffs and 4 Nations Face-Off hockey tournament. Stay tuned for profitable betting opportunities!
The Standard

Hundreds at Risk of Statelessness in The Gambia – Report – Foroyaa Newspaper

Nearly 600 residents of Ghana Town in Brufut, Gambia face statelessness due to lack of official documents, with 94% lacking any form of identification. The report highlights a need for legal reforms and cooperation between governments to address this issue.

University Leaders Gather to Define Common Strategic Priorities – Foroyaa Newspaper

Heads of government-run tertiary institutions in The Gambia gather for a five-day retreat to align strategic priorities for 2025, fostering collaboration and efficiency in the higher education sector, emphasizing national and global alignment and setting key objectives for enhancing governance and accountability.

PACJA Governing Council Holds Annual Retreat in Addis Ababa – Foroyaa Newspaper

The Pan African Climate Justice Alliance held its annual retreat to assess progress and plan for Africa's climate justice movement, focusing on unity, strategic repositioning, and collaboration to address climate challenges and advocate for the continent's interests in global negotiations.

MRC Gambia Staff Resume Strike Over Alleged Salary Deductions – Foroyaa Newspaper

Workers at the Medical Research Council Unit, The Gambia, have resumed a sit-down strike due to alleged salary deductions for participating in a previous industrial action, leading to a breach of labor rights and halted negotiations, as confirmed by the workers' union.

Kuntaur CEO Admits Bypassing Procurement Rules in Motorbike Purchase – Foroyaa Newspaper

Kuntaur Area Council CEO admits bypassing procurement rules in purchasing motorbikes, selecting supplier without proper process. Inquiry reveals discrepancies in records, confusion over payments to contractors, and lack of transparency in procurement and disposal processes.


The Gambia faces potential asylum seeker crisis in Europe or USA due to statelessness, prompting need for action to prevent it. Offspring of Gambians being US citizens raises questions on justifying statelessness. Foroyaa to investigate and seek solutions.


The Gambia's National Assembly debates whether to approve the Constitution bill without amendments. Chief Justice urges consideration of judiciary recommendations in the constitution-making process, leaving the fate of the bill in the hands of lawmakers as Foroyaa monitors the proceedings.

IGP Touray: 'I Will Resign If We Fail To Protect Lives And Property' – The Fatu Network

IGP Seedy Muktar Touray addressed recent security concerns at a press conference, pledging the GPF's commitment to safeguarding The Gambia despite criticism, promising to resign if unable to fulfill duty of protecting lives and property.
Fatu Network

IGP Touray: 'I Will Resign If We Fail To Protect Lives And Property' – The Fatu Network

IGP Seedy Muktar Touray addressed recent security concerns at a press conference, emphasizing the GPF's commitment to security following alleged robberies in Banjul. He acknowledged criticism and pledged to resign if unable to protect lives and property.
Fatu Network