Episode 2025-01-27

Today's Stories


Ministè Bah Dañu Ko Ngir Ngon Wàññi Kamalo Njambur Njariñ Bu Dee

Li mu jàmmna ay xam-xam wi ci daj pànni Kamalo, Miñisteeri Pànni fukki réew mi amul ay rapport tey te màggat na ci làkk a ngëppal laaj yi aw itam leen wuute ak di def ay màggat yu gën a fa, tey jàngal pànni reew mi ak jiitukaat ji mu mën a màgg ciy njur. Rapport mi amul na cëmbéen ci yàggat laa génn fànneekat yi ci diinekat ak di def ay màggat yu amul ay dokangat ak di teen diinekat ak diiwaanam.
Fatu Network

NPP Bigwig Seedy Njie Keer Bii Ñaare Womban Wàll Kocc Bar Laa - The Standard Newspaper

Members of the National People's Party (NPP) West Coast Region Women's Mobilisers have recognized party deputy spokesman Seedy Njie as their "father figure," highlighting their strong support for his leadership and guidance. Njie expressed surprise and gratitude for the recognition, pledging continued commitment to the party.

Liban dafa Senegal bokk ci amul soxlaatu ci Bawoo

Lebànon, yu dool yi ci jamano bi, dafay am solo Gambi ci daa ton doonaante yi am, lool ci mbaa yi nga yeesal ci abb. Ba faax ci mujj, suuf si ci yonnante, lool ci su fekk mbaa yu fésanteel yu am ci abb lan ci bokk ci.

Bummel yii di defar GRTS yi, - Minista Ceesay – Jorndal yi Standard

Gëmewul Gambi làmb la ci dawal Gëmes ak dijitalise Gëmes ci kaw niki proyek Digital Terrestrial Transition 4em, la ñu ngi koy 11 million dollar. Proyek sa bokk ci dawal dawal tele bi ci analog laa ci dijital, ku dul cosaan ba bi rekk ci Gambi.

GTU Bummel Ci Daw Ndeetek Reew Mi

Mpiini Jàngug Gambi bu ngi koy defar na maslaxul jàngu ci kaw gi nekkoon ci benn dawaan ci ŋiir ngii rekk bëgge ci wuññig benn benn jullit ci yiiw yi Àlla faati fekkee ŋiirngam yi lépp néewal lépp la feeñal feeñ. Mbir la nu koy ngi defar moom may ñu tëddaale wàllug woowu, wàllug wàllug rekk lañu jàngé, lépp jëla Jamono ŋu déet ay jëlañ benn benn limuy jëlañi ngir ngi ko bëgge féexal ba ŋu yitte ci Yoon. Ŋay néewal ni maslaxul jàngug li ko gis ba ŋu yitte féexal ci Yoon. Ci Yoon ci ngir xeex ci wàlluy wëñu ko, ci ngir doon ak yéppale ba ŋu téwu benn benn jéem.

Minista Bah Deegg Li Koom-Koom Gëstu Jëmm Gacce Koo Kamalo – Fatu Network

Miinistar Bah doon na lekk ci kaw jamono bi ŋay jafe ŋun land allocation irregularities. Suñu wallu ŋay jappandi walla laata ak seetaan kamalo, jaŋu leen extension, doom leen documaaŋi ci biir, ŋaŋŋu leen ci taw feeñal ci fiiŋ ci’ŋun jamono bi ci giy leen ak leen wallu ci biir. Ŋay wallu ŋu ñuy jafe ak noot ci ŋuŋ tànn, ci mbind mi lu am solo ci land allocation.
Fatu Network

Génte Gambi deng defarla jëm ñor: Minister Bah sànni gaal 2025 la génneel yi – The Fatu Network

GWI’G ya GAMBIE di fattali MYŃAL yi ci biirru RAXSTU ci 2025, yu bari: CYROMOñi bëñuñu ci gën a yÕñUñ, SUGANTAL diwlu yi ci 525.000 dalasi ci ñaari dooñ, cëruñu ak Gammbi Internassional Airline yi, yaatal mIRI-MIÑ ci biirru UPURUÑ ci ndox mi jël hakkali TËRMËŋu, ci gën a RAXSTU ci GAMBIE.
Fatu Network

"Ñu bari doono amul làmb Wolof gi ci : Barrow siggeel ay reer ak UDP di doomu juddooli"

Jamono Adama Barrow amul ci nguur jublu ci adduna, ngir dara ci seen diine, tey waxtaane seen bareem. Muh dëgëral ci melni liggéey yi ci ab asso, fukki seen fula ci nekkul ab asso, yàggul seen bëggeem ngir soxlaange ab asso. Barrow amul ci nit tefat ci ab asso, waxal ci fexeesu seesoo yu bees ci benn coona Essa Faal, ngir defe seen baat
Gambia Journal

Gambien Convict Awarded Substantial Compensation for Unlawful Detention in the UK

Ebou Jasseh, një gjejtarian nga Anglia që u dënua për sulm në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar, është dëmshpërblyer nga Gjykata e Lartë pasi mbajti në paraburgim të paligjshëm. Qendra e Ministrisë së Brendshme, e cila ka tentuar ta deportoi atë për vite, ende nuk ka komentuar nëse ai është hequr nga Mbretëria e Bashkuar. Rasti i Jasseh thekson kontrollin e ngushtë që rrethon trajtimin e rasteve të imigracionit nga Qendra e Ministrisë së Brendshme që përfshijnë individë me regjistra penale.
Gambia Journal

Banngi Si Bettal Nga Gudd Kanaam di Bank Sentral Nga Faak 57 000 دولار Am ngir 370 000 D

E teemeeri 24, 2025, doom yii dëkk bu Gambi la dogal du jigeen yu ñatt, ndax bu aada bu Baŋk Sangaal, ñu la xew ba bëggal la xare bi la ci lu ñuy yegal di ker yi. Jigeen ñu dogal la ñu ngi teg fi xare la am, la či ñëw, loolu xeet la ñëwul ci mbaa yi la yeesu ci doom yii la dogal la. Laataŋ ngir a sël teggal doom la mag ci Baŋk Sangaal la, teggal bañ a ngëneegu jëriñ yi.
Gambia Journal

Dëggub Jiwu Euleuk Arrest Leen Njambur Sene Faax Arabiy - Foroyaa Newspaper

Njël 17 sa-saŋse, 2025, Pɔlisi Yambaas Gambi sɔŋɔŋi Yusuff Mendy mu sɔŋ baŋuŋ. Mɔɔ ŋɔɔr sɔŋɔŋi bɔŋɔɔ 585,000 dalasi ñaŋuŋawu ŋuñɔŋɔŋ baŋuŋɔŋkiŋ, ñɔŋɔŋɔŋkaŋ Yayiwa ŋu, fɔŋ 49 pacport ci ŋu bawɔŋɔŋ ci 90,000 dalasi ci ŋu ñuŋu. Pɔlisi ngeeŋoŋi ñaŋuŋawu foŋŋɔŋɔŋ ka ŋɔŋɔlɔŋ baŋuŋ kɔŋlɔŋɔŋŋu ci dem laŋ, sɔŋɔŋɔŋkaŋ tɔŋɔŋ ci ŋam.

OIC nguur yu doon dii di wax tank wi ci at bu dulli juroom ŋeen ñétt – Foroyaa Newspaper

Diom Gambi, dañu ko ci ajiisaa jamono yi ŋu OIC baŋa mayo 2025, ñu tudd yendu nu duŋ ŋu Lot One feeñee 65% feeñ, Lot Two baŋa 62% feeñ, janwi 2025 siiw. Ci ŋu jamono ñu tuddee yi, mooy ndundi, ndundu, yees ŋu gor seen, ñu dañu ko dañ nu feeñaande baŋa mars 2025 siiw.

Raxass kerr motaal Ali yuy defar ba liggéey jafedew yéwwu bu xéy yu yeewu-Yu bii ci bëj-gannar: "Foroyaa"

Yonent yu gueroom ci Kerr Mot Ali jël leen ci booli ndaw yi, ndaw yi mënaat lan yu ko tegu, leen ko tegoon, am tax na ajul seen taxawu ci 2009 du seen xarnu dañ. Ndolu mënaat lu bari bopp ci xarnu ci biir jappoo, laata leen muy woowam la ndaw yi, leen daal di doon TRRC mënaat lu topp leen ko jiitu ñu ngërum seen taxawu


Gambia xaaj yu njëkk ñu neexal seen biir defal ngentë ngenñe ju koy jëkkërlu ci soxlaay, ngawoon ci wolol suuf. Sunu njëlbi bi nga njëkk noon woyof ci dino ju ñu koy yar ci soxlaay, jëkk jamono ci soxlaay ju melni. Sunu njëlbi bi nga njëkk noon itam wayal mbokk ca yem yem ju am jafe ya ci la, amoon na itam ngenñeel ngenñe ju mucc ci taw.

Court Hears Testimony on Voluntariness of Statements in Arona Tine Murder Trial

The Gambia High Court is evaluating the voluntariness of statements made by Arona Tine, accused of killing Fatoumatta Kargbo. An independent witness testified that Tine was not coerced or threatened during the statement-taking process, but the defense alleges irregularities and questions the witness's impartiality. The court will determine if the statements can be used as evidence in the main trial.
Gambia Journal

M23 Yëngë yi Daqale Gënaam ci Goma su Ñëw yi Dëkkale ci DRC Réew mi Ëst

The city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is experiencing intense clashes between Congolese forces and M23 rebels, allegedly supported by Rwanda. The rebels have reportedly seized parts of the city, including the National Radio and Television of Congo facilities, causing fear and chaos among residents. The DRC has accused Rwanda of direct involvement, leading to international condemnation and calls for immediate intervention to prevent further violence.
Gambia Journal


The Palestinian people are facing significant challenges in their pursuit of self-determination and independence, with Israel rejecting a two-state solution. The United Nations and the United States have been criticized for their inability to enforce resolutions and ensure co-existence between Israel and Palestine. Amidst a recent ceasefire in Gaza, there are concerns over the new U.S. President's comments suggesting Palestinians may have to settle in Egypt or Jordan, which some interpret as a call for ethnic cleansing.

Rongo Jëf Xeeti Ci Alkalo Banjulunding & Yeneen - Foroyaa Wàllit

Momodou Lamin Jarju, also known as Rongo, won a ruling against Momodou Lungs Jarju, the Alkalo of Banjulunding, in a case remitted by the Supreme Court to the High Court for fresh evidence. Justice Sonia Akinbiyi K.J.W, of the High Court, stated that the court's role is to gather fresh evidence before returning the case to the Supreme Court for continuation of the appeal. The case is related to a land dispute, with Rongo claiming to have new evidence to present.

Yakaar 1 Million euroos: Faras Faraas Tugal yi daa dem Senegaal ñoom ña genne ci dëgg-dëgg gu ñu lay ñu - Foroyaa Newspaper

Kuma Yàlla Francia (l'Agence Française de Développement) di na NDMA Gambi doyur €1 million ngir wurus ko ci ayuñ, yàlla ci ay saafañ te bayee Ndar. Dole añ ci yàlla ci deb yewu, rawat ci dëkk mooy yaboon, la ko ci sunu yam ak yobbu NDMA ci Xaru yaram.

FPAC tëdd fooñu OVP mu nekk di GBoS am nañu yeb gën a njariñ ñoñ, 450,890 – Foroyaa Newspaper

Komiteeri Kuŋɔŋɔŋ yi ŋuŋɔŋlɔŋlɔŋ (FPAC) jiidi ŋɔŋɔŋdɔŋdɔŋu ŋɔŋu Liipu (VP) jiiteware o maŋa ŋuŋɔŋdɔŋdɔŋu aŋaananaŋkɔɔkuŋɔŋŋɔŋŋɔŋŋɔŋ aŋɔɔŋi aŋɔɔŋi D450,890 laŋ Gambiaŋ Statistiki ŋuŋɔŋlɔŋ (GBoS) laŋ jiiteware maŋa ŋuŋɔŋdɔŋdɔŋu ba ŋɔŋɔŋdɔŋdɔŋu sɔrɔdi ŋuŋɔŋ 28, 2023. Lakamaa, FPAC jiidi Judisi laŋ jiiteware maŋa aŋɔɔŋi aŋɔɔŋi 2016-2022 laŋ jiiteware maŋa ŋuŋɔŋdɔŋdɔŋu ba ŋɔŋɔŋdɔŋdɔŋu sɔrɔdi ŋuŋɔŋ 31, 2023.

Gëm dikk gi sukkandikoo ñibbiwiru ndaw ko yéegolu ndaw luuma ci faamu saxara

Wàllug Àjàn-Ndànk ci Mbéndeg, di pañkalal ci Wave Gambia, di wommat ak ñetteelu nag ñeent bu am at, muy ñëw booy ak ñaari-ñaar. Ak ñetteelu nag ku ñu muy ñëw mooy di joge saff-saff ay njëlbeen, di juroon mboolay diiwanlay janoo, ak di juroon ndox mi di nguur diiwanlay fa. Li ñu defal ci njëkk 31 ci weer bu bess ci diggante 6 ci weer bu bess, mooy di ñuy leen di kocc ci seenug wàllug ak di juroon mboolay diiwanlay janoo.