Episode 2025-01-29

Today's Stories



Xibaar yi daal moo tax Gambia. Dañoo waxtaan ci kanamukaay bi Kanifing la, Ebrima Janko Colley, ak yëngëru kanamukaay bi ak yëngëru xët wi, yu ñu doxandé ci yoonu yu yees ci laaj ak yees ci xel mi. Yoon yi ñu doxandé dañoo jëfandikoo ci kanamukaay bi ci mbir mi ñu am solo, yu nekkoon na ci dëggëg bi, te ñu jëfandikoo ci Agence de la lutte contre la drogue Gambia (DLEAG). Jëfandikoo Wolof rekk lañu ko def (2 xibaar yu gëna gëna), waaye du ñu ko def.

Jammeh Rek Moom Nekkoon Mooy Yëgle Jëfandikoo- Madi – The Standard Newspaper

Xibaar yi dañuy jëfandikoo Gambia. Madi Jobarteh, ki moo jëfandikoo xët yi ñu amal ci mbooloo jëfandikoo, dañuy jëfandikoo ci kanamoo bi Yahya Jammeh, bu gën a jëfandikoo, dafa fekk jëfandikoo ci biir gis-gis bi, tey dafa am ay jëfandikoo ci biir gis-gis bi. Jobarteh dañuy soppal Adama Barrow, bu gën a jëfandikoo, ak xukkër bi, ci kanamoo bi Jammeh, tey dafa am ay jëfandikoo ci biir gis-gis bi. Jobarteh dañuy soppal Adama Barrow, bu gën a jëfandikoo, ak xukkër bi, ci kanamoo bi Jammeh, tey dafa am ay jëfandikoo ci biir gis-gis bi. Jobarteh dañuy jëfandikoo ci biir gis-gis bi, tey dafa am ay jëfandikoo ci biir gis-gis bi.

Agencey Voyage Yiy Taxawal Jële Jëlekat yi Nekkoonu Licence yi – The Standard Newspaper

Xibaar bi dañu rekk ak Gambia. Ministar bi ñu am ay Dine, Hamat Bah, dafa yëgle agence-yi du voyage ci bi ñu defar tropp ci jëlekat yi di dem Hajj, ak bëgëg ci boppam ak ñëppal ci liistu agence-yi ñu autorise, su ñu defar bi. Ministar bi dañu yëgle itam ci Gambia, quota bi ñu am ci jëlekat yi di dem Hajj dina ñewoon ci 2000, ak dafa wone turu 15 agence-yi ñu autorise ci Hajj 2025. Dinaa leen yëgle ci Wolof rekk (2 paragraph bi ñepp), dafa mel ni warul.

Barrow Bëgg na GRA bi Nekk Taxawu Jëfandikoo Yëg Yoonu Gànnaar - The Standard Newspaper

Xibaar yi dañu wara jëfandikoo Gàmbiya. Présidaan Adama Barrow dafay jëfandikoo Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA) ngir dafa jëflante palanteeru tolluwaay bi amoonoon ci 2024, moo ko jëfandikoo ak yëgle yu digital ak yëgle yu jëfandikoo. Dafa gis ñu ko GRA dañu ko jëfandikoo ci mbiru jëfandikoo yu ngeen ak tolluwaayu ngeen, te defal palanteeru tolluwaay bu bees bu amoonoon ci 2025, D23 milliaar. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk (2 paragraf su ñu), benn xibaar bu bees du ko.

EFSCRJ Dañuy Soppiku Ci Ñëppandiku Moomu Mbooloomu Komite Bi Ñu Ekkal, Ñu Liggéeyal, Ak Ñu Xeexal Palanteeru Gëstu Sàmm – The Standard Newspaper

Financial Reporting Oversight Board (FROB) bi Gambia laa bëgg a tànn Gambia Accounting, Auditing, ak Corporate Governance Standards Committee. Waaye, dëgg-dëgg nañu ci loolu ak jëfandikooju committee bi, ak mbooloomi moom ak mbooloomi jigéen. Edward Francis Small Centre for Human Rights and Justice dañoo yëngal ci loolu ak dañoo xam nekk a bëgg a jëfandikoo ci Financial Reporting Act 2013. Dinañoo leen jëfandikoo ci Wolof (maximum 2 paragraphs), dëgg-dëgg.

Louy Defar Yahya Jammeh? - The Standard Newspaper

Xibaar yi dañu leen yëg ci Gambia. Yi moom kenn du yëg Adama Barrow ak sa kër gi ci moom li ñu doon ci kanam, ci kàddu ak jëfandikooji ci kawam Yahya Jammeh, bu ñu doon ci kanam, ci kàddu ak jëfandikooji ci kawam Yahya Jammeh. Jammeh dañoo yëgle sa kër gi ak woon ci dëkk bi te ñu la ko mën a dëgg. Moomu dañoo suuf ci xelam, man na ko nekk Adama Barrow du jëfandikoo ci loolu te mën naa ko nekk ci jëfandikooj Jammeh. Moomu dañoo suuf ci xelam, man na ko nekk Adama Barrow du jëfandikoo ci loolu te mën naa ko nekk ci jëfandikooj Jammeh.

Contractor Bi Taxawal Na Ñu Wone Kiang West Road Suwe April – The Standard Newspaper

Projet bi Kiang West Road ci Gambia, la Gai Construction la gis, dina ñu wor ci Avril, su la nekk project manager bi Abdou Jane. Ñeel bi, lañu doxale ak ñett bët, dina am solo ci ñawleeku jëfandikoo ak accessibility, dafa mel ni Gambia la ñëwe ci yoonu jëfandikoo, ak jëfandikoo gu yaram ci D1.2 milliard. Dinañu leen yëngal ci Wolof (2 paragraph gu max), tey jëm ci yeneen.


Xibaar yi dañu ñu wara yëgal Gambia. Nan ko jëfandikoo, Adama Barrow, Président bi Gambia, dafay yëgleel ci jawuñu ci ñu jëfandikoo, su nekkoon ci mbooloomi moom, ndax dina ñu jëfandikoo ci téranga buñu gën a jëfandikoo, tey jëfandikoo yu yees ci dëkk bi. Dafa jëfandikoo ci wàcci yoonu Gambia ak Senegal, ak yoonu yëg yu yees ci transport, wax ak xam-xam, ak xibaar yu yees ci xol yi. Dafay jëfandikoo ci wàcci yoonu Gambia ak Senegal, ak yoonu yëg yu yees ci transport, wax ak xam-xam, ak xibaar yu yees ci xol yi.

Akteer bi Yëngal Lekkool bi 'dëggal' Boroom Xët yi ngi Xëppal – The Standard Newspaper

Association des Auteurs Gambiens pour les Écoles (AGAS) dafa dox Gambia Teachers Union, ci jëfandikoo bu GPPC, printëru gu nekk ci Gambia, moo doxoon ci saytu bu yëggaatu xëb yi. AGAS mën na ne, saytu bi dina ñëw aar ak jëfandikoo xëb yi ci ay yoonu yëggaatu xëb yi, ak dafa gis ne, ñatt yi ci saytu bi ngi amoon ci ñu jëfandikoo xëb yi ak ñu jëfandikoo xëb yi ci ay yoonu yëggaatu xëb yi. AGAS dafa gis ne, ñatt yi ci saytu bi ngi amoon ci ñu jëfandikoo xëb yi ak ñu jëfandikoo xëb yi ci ay yoonu yëggaatu xëb yi.

DLEAG Jëfandikoo Alkati Ci Bankaan Sëntaraal Ak Xalis Bu Bëj-saal – The Standard Newspaper

Agence bi Takku Drog bi (DLEAG) ci Gambia dañuy jëgle Lamin Marong, moo jëfandikoo Bank Central bi, ak abar yeneen, ngir ay som bi ñuul ci dollar ak dalasi. Ñi jëfandikoo yi dañuy jëgle ci kontrol bi Jenoi ak dañuy jëfandikoo ci Mansakonko ngir yeneen lëkkalekaay. Yennal ci Wolof (2 paragraph bi ñeent), du ñu wax seen bopp.

Ministru Bëj-saalukaay Sillah Yëngal Njëngële Bu Yëpp Ci Jëfandikoo Loxo Niki Sentër Bi – The Standard Newspaper

Relevant: Ministri bi ñu jëfandikoo xët yi ci Gàmbi, Ebrima Sillah, dafa yëngal ci saytaneek xët yi ñu yëkkati ci OIC ñoo defar seen bës bi. Ci seen turu gëna gënaam ci xët yi, dafa laajal polis bi ak ker yi ñu jëfandikoo ñu doxal ci bës yi ak dafa ñëwal ci loxoo xibaar yi ak xët yi. Dafa laajal ci ñu doxal ci bës yi ak dafa ñëwal ci loxoo xibaar yi ak xët yi.


Prezidan Gambia Adama Barrow dañu ko yëngal ci jëfandikoo biiru korupsiyon ci sa gouwernema, dañu ko yëgle yëngal yoonu korupsiyon. Ci waa kër gi, Barrow dañu ko defal jëfandikoo ak jëfandikoo biiru gouwernema, dañu ko wax nekkoonu mooy sa doomam duñu ko defar ci suuf. Dañu ko yëgle itam yëngal yoonu jëfandikoo biiru xibaarukaay, yoonu gëstu saa su ne, 110% suuf su ko nangu, ak bës bu yomb ci ngeen ñakk ndawal. Jëfandikoo biiru xibaarukaay dañu ko defar, su ko nangu 110%, ak bës bu yomb ci ngeen ñakk ndawal. Barrow dañu ko yëgle itam yëngal yoonu jëfandikoo biiru xibaarukaay, yoonu gëstu saa su ne, 110% su ko nangu, ak bës bu yomb ci ngeen ñakk ndawal.

CBG Staff bi Jële ak Teyatu Sosi Yëpp – The Standard Newspaper

Njëbëtukaay bu jëfandikoo Banki Sentraal bu Gambia lañuy jëfandikoo ci yoonu polis bi, dafa am sumaaro bu yëg ci dollar ak dalasi. Góor gi, leneenoonu wax nataal bi, dañuy jëfandikoo ci njëlu polis bi pasukaay sumaaro bi dafa amoonu dafa meloonu ak loolu lañuy jëfandikoo. Banki Sentraal ak polis bi dañoo ko wax ci xalat bi. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk (2 xibaar yu yëg), benn xelwuma.

Chaiman Darboe Jële ci Defaar Brikama Market Ci Bët yi Ñu Nëbb – The Standard Newspaper

Présideñ bi Brikama Area Council ci The Gambia, Yankuba Darboe, daal naa ci President Barrow ak jëfandikoo ci yoonu gouvernemaan bi ngir yomb naa ci politig bi, ak jëfandikoo ci démbaloo biir ak gaal gi ci suq gi. Darboe daal naa nekkoon du ko jëfandikoo ci këru bi ak seen gaal yi, ak daal naa ci President bi jëfandikoo ci xibaari yu ñu xam nekkoon ñu gëna gëm suq gi. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk la (2 paragraph bi ñaari doom), duñu jëfandikoo bépp xaaj bu nekk.

PPP Bi Taxawu Kebba E. Jallow Nekh Ci Yoon Wi Nekhul Coup Bi Ñuy Yàgg Ci December 2024, Nekhul Nekh Ci Congress Bi – The Fatu Network

Parti Jëfandikukat bu Gambia (PPP) dafa yombal ci kenn xew-xew bu am ci say saytu, ndax ñu defaral lëgël bu am ci parti bi. Ousman Madikay Faal, bu ñu wëraloon ko Nënëkaay Général ak saytu parti, dafa doon lëgël bu parti bi ci Komisyo Élektoral bi, bu doon jëfandikukat bi ci Kebba E. Jallow ak bu ñëw ci sept candidats yi. Xew-xew bi dafa yombal ci parti bi, tey jëfandikukatam bu Faal dafa am solo ci parti bi. Dinaa leen jëfandikukat ci Wolof (2 paragraf su ñu), dinaa leen wax seen benn.
Fatu Network

PPP Bi Taxawal Kebba E. Jallow Ci Jëfandikoo Kupe Bu Jëfandikoo Desamburu 2024, Nekkoonu Nëb Yoonu Mooy Doomi Penc – The Fatu Network

Parti Jëfandikukat bu Gambia (PPP) dafa am jëfandikookat bu ñu jëfandikoo ci kër gi, ak bët yi yëngu-yëngu ñu defar sañ-sañuwaayu jëfandikoo bu ñu jëfandikoo ci kër gi. Ousman Madikay Faal dañu ko jëfandikoo ak Seriñ bu parti bi ci Disàmb 21, 2024, waaye Komisyoŋ Elektoraal bu parti bi dañu ko jëfandikoo Kebba E. Jallow, tey dañu ko defal sañ-sañuwaayu sëpp yi. Jëfandikookat bi dañu ko sos ci parti bi, tey jëfandikoo Ousman Madikay Faal dañu ko nekk ci parti bi. Jëfandikoo bi Wolof rekk lañu wara jëfandikoo (2 paragraf), dafa mel ni waral.
Fatu Network

Gambia Dëkkaloon Prosesaru Pre-Sélection pour Programmu Migration Circulaire Espagnol

Gambia guvernman lañ ko ci kër gi, ci biiru jëfandikooju Migrasiyoŋ Sirkileer bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, bu lañ ko bëgg a jëfandikooju jëfandikooju ci Espaañ. Ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfandikooju bi lañ ko jëfandikoo ak Espaañ, ci suufu jëfand
Gambia Journal

Komisyoňu Ňëbëlu PPP Dafay Jëfandikoo Aspiraaň yi, Dëggalna Kebba E. Jallow boppam Parti bi

Xibaar yi dañu leen ñeel ci Gàmbi. Komisyoŋ Elektoraal bi ci Parti du Progrès du Peuple (PPP) ci Gàmbi dañu yëgle yeneeni candidats ci mbir mi, ci xelam yoonu mbir mi, ni ñu jëfandikoo le 21 Disàmbaar. Komisyoŋ bi dañu dëggal mboolo yu nekk ci parti bi, su ñeel ci Kebba E. Jallow, Seex bi ak Moomu parti bi, ak yeneeni. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk (2 paragraf su ñu ko topp), waaye du ñu ko topp.
Gambia Journal

Hibs jële Manneh, ñeel ci Gambia, ci Odense

Xët wi dañuy jëfandikoo Gambia. Alasana Manneh, ki muusukat Gambia, dañuy jële ci Hibernian, ci Odense Boldklub, yoon wi ñu am ci Denmark. Manneh, bu mujj ci Banjul, Gambia, ak di tambali ci Aspire Academy, dañuy jële ci Espaañ, Bulgaria, Poland ak Denmark, ak dañuy jële 18 kër ci Gambia. Jëfandikoo nom mi, limaar mi, ak màndarga amoonoon akk ci Wolof (2 paragraf suuf), dafa mel ni wara jëfandikoo.
Gambia Journal

Kër gi Daafu Yëgleel Gàmbiye yi Ñëw ci Xëy Spain – Foroyaa Newspaper

Ker Gi Gambia daa demaral yoonu pre-selection bu Gambiens yi nekk ci Espagne, ci xaritu agrikultur gu mujj. Ci beneen xët bu am ci diir bi ci Gambia ak Espagne ci recrutement bu Gambiens yi nekk ci Espagne. Prosesu candidature bi, ci xët gi ci Public Employment Services Unit ci Department of Labour, daa ubbeeku ci Gambiens yi ñeel ci 25 ak 50 ak xam-xam ci agrikultur. Yëngal ci Wolof rekk (maximum 2 paragraphes), xameeko.

Sori Manneh, ñeelawmaale bi ci Kuntaur Area Council, dinaa lañu wàcci laaj ji ànd ak Suppression bi – Foroyaa Newspaper

Relevant. Sori Manneh, moo jëfandikoo tollu jëfandikoo Kuntaur Area Council ci The Gambia, dafa noppoon ci wax ju yu amul solo ci tollu jëfandikoo bu am solo GMD 151,191 ci Mars ak December 2022. Manneh, ki mu war ci Local Government Commission of Inquiry, dafa jëfandikoo borom tollu jëfandikoo bi te defar ci kawam, te moom dafa wax tollu jëfandikoo yeneen lañu wara jëfandikoo ci biir jëfandikoo Kuntaur Area Council. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk (maximum 2 paragraphs), benn xel rekk.

Assistaanu Kontaanu Yoonuwaat ci Jëfandikooju Akkoonu ci Jaar-jaar bu mu Des ci Komisyoŋ bi – Foroyaa Newspaper

Relevant. Kebba K. Fatty, moo taxawal bi ci Kuntaur Area Council bi ci Gambia, daf ko jëfandikoo yoonu taxawal bi amoon na ci dalasi ñent yees. Fatty daf ko jëfandikoo liggéeyu mbapatt yi ñu tollu ci suq yi, ci mbiru taxawal bi, moo defar ko ci yoonu xare bi ci sa ker gi, su ñuul na. Jëfandikoo ko ci mbiru taxawal bi, moo defar ko ci yoonu xare bi ci sa ker gi, su ñuul na.

Wolof: Dëkk bi ci Sidàan di Sud bi tewoon na 20 – The Fatu Network

A plane crash in northern South Sudan killed 20 people, including two Chinese nationals and one Indian, according to the country's Ministry of Information. The aircraft, transporting oil workers from the Greater Pioneer Operating Company, crashed at the Unity oilfield en route to the capital, Juba. The cause of the crash is still unknown.
Fatu Network

ECOWAS Dëggal Na Ñu Bëgg Burkina Faso, Mali, Ak Niger – The Fatu Network

The West African regional bloc, ECOWAS, has confirmed the withdrawal of Burkina Faso, Mali, and the Republic of Niger as members, effective from 29th January 2025. Despite the withdrawal, ECOWAS passports will remain valid and the bloc has requested member states to continue recognizing national passports and identity cards of the three countries, treat their goods and services in accordance with ECOWAS policies, and allow visa-free movement for their citizens. The arrangements will remain until the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government determines the future engagement with the three countries.
Fatu Network

Niger, Burkina Faso, ak Mali Dëppaleel ECOWAS ak Jëfandikoo Yoonu Itaam – The Fatu Network

Thousands of people in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali celebrated their official withdrawal from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on January 28, criticizing its perceived dependence on France and its hindrance to regional development. The nations, now part of the newly formed Alliance of Sahel States (AES), are shifting alliances towards Russia, Turkey, and Iran, and plan to introduce their own passports and a unified military force to combat jihadism.
Fatu Network

Gambia Journal bi Wolof la: Gambia Joornal

Apologies for the confusion, but there's no news article provided for me to summarize. Please provide the text of the news article you'd like summarized.
Gambia Journal

Police bi Takku ci Góor ci Jëfandikoo Visa Yoonu Yëg

Yusuff Mendy has been arrested by the Gambia Police Force on charges of alleged visa fraud. Mendy is accused of collecting D585,000 and 49 passports under the pretense of securing UK visas. Investigations are ongoing, with two accomplices from Brikama still at large.
Kerr Fatou

Naka lañu koy defar Yaya Jammeh?- Madi Jobarteh

President Adama Barrow and his administration have been criticized for their silence following former dictator Yaya Jammeh's public insults and threats towards the current government. Human rights activist Madi Jobarteh questions why the government, which is quick to respond to other critics, has not addressed Jammeh's comments, suggesting that this silence could indicate a lack of interest in the transitional justice process or an attempt to protect Jammeh.
Kerr Fatou

Saihou Mballow: Jammeh yi Toggal Dañu Ko Yëg Yëgle Victim yi Liggéeyu Xeeti Aduna

Saihou Mballow, Special Adviser on Political Affairs to President Adama Barrow of The Gambia, has stated that the return of former President Yahya Jammeh would allow victims of his regime to seek justice. Mballow emphasized that this includes victims both within and outside the country, including 59 missing West African migrants and American citizens who disappeared in The Gambia. He asserted that the issue is not between President Barrow and Jammeh, but between Jammeh and his victims, and that justice for these victims should be prioritized.
Kerr Fatou

Wolof: Ñepp bu Guinea Bissau ak Sette Yeneen ci Xabsi Lëkkalekaay

A recent sting operation by a multi-sectoral security panel in The Gambia resulted in the arrest of Paolo Jabbie, a Bissau-Guinean, and seven other individuals from various global locations. The operation is part of the government's commitment to national security and citizen safety, with further details withheld to avoid compromising ongoing investigations.
Kerr Fatou

MaJanko Samusa NPP la Wàcc: Yëngal Xel yi & Xamal Nëb gi ci Xët bi

MaJanko Samusa of the National Convention Party (NCP) has called on the National People’s Party (NPP) to cease public insults and prioritize unity and inclusivity in decision-making. Samusa criticized the NPP's public disputes and lack of consultation with coalition partners, stating it's damaging the party's reputation. In response, the NPP’s Deputy Spokesperson defended the party's structure and commitment to unity, dismissing allegations of internal insults.
Kerr Fatou

Kandeh ay Gambians yéeg nañu leen ci "Incertitude bu ñu def"

The Leader and Secretary of the Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC) party, Kandeh, has urged Gambians to reclaim their country from what he describes as man-made uncertainty, resulting from corruption and poor governance. He made these remarks at his party's congress in Farafenni, in the North Bank Region.
Kerr Fatou

Henry Gomez, Yahya Jammeh moo jëlekaat ci suuf su fekkee ci Gambia

Henry Gomez, Special Adviser to Gambia's President Adama Barrow, warned former President Yahya Jammeh that he would be arrested and brought to justice if he returns to the country. Gomez criticized Jammeh for not showing remorse for his actions during his regime and reassured that the government is committed to upholding democracy, human rights, and justice in Gambia.
Kerr Fatou

Doomi Aduna bi Taxawal Yoonu Njaaykat bu Bari ci Kamalo Proper

The Ministry of Lands, Regional Government, and Religious Affairs in Kamalo Proper has announced the forfeiture of multiple land allocations following an investigation into the allocation process. Minister Hamat NK Bah revealed that those with multiple allocations must forfeit one plot to the state, and allocations to ineligible applicants have been revoked. The ministry has also adopted recommendations from a task force to conduct a comprehensive environmental impact assessment before any further development and to hold officials accountable for irregularities.
Kerr Fatou

NAWEC ak Karpowership yëngu bi mooy jëfandikoo gëm Sañ-sañ bi - Dr. Ousman Gajigo – Kerr Fatou Online Media House

The Gambia's government has been criticized for its costly long-term contract with Turkish company Karpowership, which operates a floating thermal power plant off the port in Banjul. The contract, which has been in place since 2018, has cost the government over $200 million, a sum that critics argue could have been used to build a 200 MW thermal power plant capable of supplying electricity to every household in the country. The deal has also been blamed for macroeconomic issues, including currency depreciation and a drain on public funds.
Kerr Fatou

Fanweer bu ñett: Polis Gambia Deggoo Askanwi Yëngëlenjë bi ci Lamp Jotna

The Gambia Police Force held a remembrance ceremony for officers PC Sang J. Gomez and PC Pateh Jallow, who died in the line of duty a year ago. IGP Touray commended the dedication and bravery of the police force, acknowledging the inherent risks of the profession. Deputy Inspector General Momodou Sowe emphasized the importance of upholding the values of duty, sacrifice, and service in honor of the fallen officers.
Kerr Fatou

Ministeeri Bëccëg bi Dayoob D940,000 ak Yoonu ci Bëccëg bi & Yàggal Bëccëg bi Basketball

The Ministry of Youth and Sports in The Gambia has committed over D940,000 to support basketball development in the country. This includes D441,000 for the revitalization of the national basketball league and D500,000 for the U21 national team's participation in the Amilcar Cabral Zone II tournament in Guinea Bissau.
Kerr Fatou

CAF Dëggal Na Loxo Ci Independence Stadium, Yëgle Nañu Leeral Bu Xeeb Ci Làkk Yi Internationale

The Confederation of African Football (CAF) has lifted a ban on Gambia's Independence Stadium in Bakau, allowing it to host international football matches. The first match to be held will be the Gambia vs. Comoros AFCON 2025 qualifier on November 15, 2024. The stadium had been previously banned due to non-compliance with required standards.
Kerr Fatou

Prezidan Barrow Yëngul Neeb Mayor yi ak Penc mi ci Opposition bi Nanguwuñu Yëkkati

President Adama Barrow of The Gambia has criticized opposition leaders, accusing them of undermining the country's progress for their own political gain. He attributed the electoral losses of his National People's Party (NPP) to internal divisions, particularly in Banjul, and urged party supporters to unite and end internal conflicts. He also dismissed allegations of entering politics for personal gain, and welcomed new members to the NPP, including Isatou Njie, formerly of Team Rohey Malick Lowe.
Kerr Fatou

Abattoir staff yi ñu amul renouvellement contrat bi - Foroyaa Newspaper

The Gambia Livestock Marketing Agency (GLMA) has decided not to renew the contracts of 21 staff members at the Central Abattoir in Abuko, citing issues such as improper fee collection, failure to follow procurement rules, and overstaffing. Director Momodou Darboe of GLMA also mentioned poor salary conditions and the absence of a procurement officer as reasons for the overhaul. The agency has already advertised the positions and plans to appoint new staff.

FPAC Moo Tax Jëfandikooxu Lëkkalekaayu Vouchers Yeesal – Foroyaa Wàll

The Finance and Public Accounts Committee (FPAC) of the National Assembly has ordered the Inspector General of the Gambia Police Force to investigate missing vouchers worth D21 million from the Principal of the Gambia College. If the vouchers are not provided by 28th September 2023, an investigation must be launched immediately and reported back to the FPAC within 90 days. The FPAC has also instructed the Office of the IGP to ensure the CEO of Janjanbureh Area Council provides all missing vouchers by the same date, or the equivalent amount must be deposited into the council's accounts.

Yëngëlu Yëngëlu...

Astou, a young village girl, is chosen to welcome the visiting Governor who takes an interest in her, leading to her being taken to live in the city. After becoming pregnant, she is discarded and forced into a life of prostitution, but eventually escapes with the help of a kind patron and finds refuge in a safe house, vowing to reclaim her life and find her son who was taken from her.
The Point


The Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam emphasized the importance of following the imam during congregational prayers, warning against preceding him in any actions. He also clarified that a congregation can consist of just one person alongside the imam, even if that person is a child or a woman. The Prophet also allowed for flexibility in certain circumstances, such as extreme weather or during a journey, where he permitted individuals to pray in their own places.
The Point

JËLE: Ñettayu rak'a yi ci Fajr

The Hadiths emphasize the importance of observing the sunnah prayer at dawn, with the Prophet stating that the two rak'at before the fajr are dearer to him than the whole world. The Prophet would recite specific verses during these prayers and it is suggested that he would lie down on his right side after completing them. The practice of lying down after the prayer is a point of contention among scholars, with some suggesting it is preferred if the prayer is performed at home rather than in a mosque.
The Point

Banuyu Njëkk Bi Du Dem Ci Büroo Nëbbe

The book "Still" by Frankel discusses the stagnant progress for women in the workplace since 1976, citing increased competition and a persistent wage gap. Frankel advises women to overcome the "nice girl syndrome" and not to minimize their achievements, while also warning against unnecessary modesty and public airing of feelings online. The book provides a range of advice for women in the workforce, including dealing with pregnancy and idea theft.
The Point

Killer ci Kremlin lañu John Sweeney

The article critiques a book that discusses Russia's military actions, including the Chechen Wars and the invasion of Ukraine, as well as the corruption within the Kremlin regime. The author challenges the book's portrayal of Russian soldiers in the First Chechen War, arguing that they were untrained conscripts rather than brutal aggressors, and credits the mothers of these soldiers for their role in ending the conflict. The article also disputes the book's characterizations of Putin, while acknowledging the corruption within his regime.
The Point

African Europeans su ñu waxoon race amul bët ci yoonu.

Historian Olivette Otele explores the long history of Africans living in Europe in her book, highlighting the significant roles they played in European life and culture since the 16th century. The book also discusses how the rise of the transatlantic slave trade and the associated racial prejudices significantly transformed the perception of Africans after 1700. Otele's work emphasizes the importance of inclusive histories in dismantling racial injustice.
The Point

Michel Buur bi Tete-Michel Kpomassie lañu wàñë

In the 1950s, Togolese teenager Kpomassie discovered a book about Eskimos which inspired him to travel to Greenland. After years of journeying, he reached his icy destination in 1965, immersing himself in the local culture and lifestyle. Now 81, Kpomassie plans to return to Greenland, where he feels most at home, to live out his remaining years.
The Point

Grit: Xew-xewu Xol ak Jëfë-jëf.

Angela Duckworth's book, "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance", argues that success in any field is not primarily about talent, but about a combination of passion and perseverance, or "grit". Duckworth identifies key components of grit, including a deep passion for something, a tolerance for the mundane, connection to a like-minded community, and a willingness to encounter and learn from failure. She suggests that these elements can be cultivated, offering hope to parents and educators seeking to enhance a child's potential for success.
The Point


Eid al-Adha is a four-day Islamic festival that commemorates Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son as commanded by Allah, but was given a ram to sacrifice instead. During the festival, Muslims pray, listen to sermons, wear new clothes, visit family and friends, and may symbolically sacrifice an animal in an act known as qurbani, with the meat often given to the poor. The festival is not about atoning for sins but symbolizes a willingness to make sacrifices to stay on the Straight Path and obey Allah's commands.
The Point

Grit: Ñuulukaayu Xel ak Jëfekaay

Angela Duckworth's book, "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance," suggests that success is not solely dependent on talent, but rather on a combination of passion and perseverance, or "grit." Duckworth identifies key components of grit, including a deep passion for something, tolerance for mundane tasks, connection to a like-minded community, and a willingness to encounter failure. She asserts that these elements can be cultivated, offering hope to parents and educators seeking to enhance a child's grit.
The Point

Xët Bu Jëf - India moo jëfandikoo loxoo

India's per-capita carbon footprint is the lowest among G20 countries, and it is the only G20 economy aligned with the 2°C target, according to the International Finance Corporation. The country has made ambitious climate commitments, including a pledge to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070 and ensure that 50% of its energy needs come from renewable sources by 2030. India has also launched several international initiatives to promote climate resilience, energy transition, and sustainability, demonstrating leadership in global climate action.
The Point

Jackpot bu simb: topp jackpot bi tey ci simb!

The Jackpot of the Week promo by 1xBet has gained significant popularity, with hundreds of bettors winning a total of 31,788,070 GMD last week. The promo involves betting at least $5 on sporting events from Monday to Sunday, with the jackpot draw held every Monday, and the winnings distributed among 10 randomly selected participants.
The Point

Inisiatifu Suqali Capital Gambia

The Gambian government is establishing a capital market to provide alternative funding options for businesses and stimulate economic growth. This move follows the passage of the Capital Market and Securities Act (2021) and aims to address the high bank interest rates that have hindered economic development. The capital market, which will include a stock exchange, is expected to diversify funding sources, attract foreign investment, and integrate The Gambia into the broader financial landscape of West Africa.
The Point

Xutbaasu Qur'aan bi ci Sujuudi

The article discusses the Islamic practice of prostration during Quranic recitation, specifically when reciting or hearing an "'ayyah of prostration" (sajdah). It explains that prostration is recommended but not mandatory, with the majority of scholars considering it a Sunnah (a practice of the Prophet Muhammad). The article also lists the fifteen instances in the Quran where prostration is suggested and discusses the conditions for performing the prostration of recital, which are similar to those for Salah (Islamic prayer).
The Point

Jëfekaayu xaj bu ñu mënaa leen ci jëmmalin bi

The "prostrations of forgetfulness" (sujjud us-sahu) are two prostrations made during prayer in Islam to rectify mistakes or doubts about the number of prayer units (rak’at) performed. These prostrations can be made before or after the taslim (salutation to end the prayer), depending on the nature of the error. They are performed under various circumstances, including when a person completes the prayer prematurely, adds to the prayer, forgets the first tashahud (testimony of faith), or has doubt about the number of rak’at performed.
The Point

CoinSpin Fever: Fi mooy jackpot bi, dañu koo jëfandikoo ak yoonu ndam!

CoinSpin Fever is a unique slot game that pays out based on the presence, quantity, and value of symbols, rather than their placement. The game features a 3x3 matrix, a Claim Win feature, and a Bonus Game mode, offering players multiple opportunities to win, including a Grand Jackpot of x5000 the bet amount. The maximum win can only be obtained in the Bonus Game, which can also be purchased separately.
The Point

JËLE: Wàcc gi mujj ci Sunnah rak'at bu fajr

The article discusses the importance and timing of Sunnah prayers in Islam, as reported by various companions of the Prophet Muhammad. It emphasizes that missed Fajr (dawn) and Zuhr (noon) Sunnah prayers can be made up after the sun rises or after the obligatory prayers. The number of Sunnah rak'ats (units of prayer) for Zuhr can be four, six, or eight, and if missed, they should be made up later.
The Point


During Ramadan, acts such as pouring water over oneself, applying kohl or eyedrops to the eyes, kissing (if one can control their desires), taking injections, cupping to drain blood, rinsing the mouth and nose, and smelling perfumes are permissible for those fasting. These acts do not break the fast, even if they involve swallowing water unintentionally or if injections reach the stomach. However, it is generally advised to avoid acts that may incite one's desires or weaken the fasting person.
The Point

Xët Waat: Gambia Milling Corporation moo la nekk ci sa xarit.

Gambia Milling Corporation (GMC), The Gambia's leading flour producer, reaffirms its commitment to providing high-quality, locally produced bread flour. The company uses state-of-the-art technology, rigorous quality control, and locally sourced wheat to produce flour fortified with vitamins and minerals. GMC supports the local baking industry and contributes to the country's economy, agricultural sector, and national food security.
The Point


Islamic fasting during the holy month of Ramadan offers spiritual and social benefits, including discipline, sympathy for the poor, unity, and charity. Fasting is seen as a high form of discipline and order, and it encourages sympathy for those who experience hunger regularly. It also promotes unity and charity among Muslims, who are encouraged to give food to those in need and to avoid quarreling and false conduct.
The Point

Xët — Xët — Askanwi

Askanwi Media is seeking support to continue its mission of providing reliable, citizen-focused news, including monitoring the Transitional Process in the country and reporting on issues like the Acute Kidney Injury saga and the implementation of the Transitional Justice Program. The organization aims to expose corruption, investigate public malfeasance, and publish quarterly newsletters.

Banki Sentral: Inflation Titre ak Inflation Njaxas lañu yàgg ci Avril 2024 — Askanwi

Food inflation in The Gambia has decreased by 4.1% to 15.6% in December 2023, due to a significant drop in the prices of bread, cereals, and meat. However, despite a global decrease in the prices of sugar and dairy products, these reductions have not been reflected in The Gambia's economy. Non-food inflation also declined by 3.3% to 5.4% in March 2024, largely due to decreased prices of textiles and energy.

Ci kër 1,000 Gambien yi ci Docket bi U.S. du ñu jëm ci biir Deportation (ICE)

Xamle: Dëkk bi du 24 Nowambër, 2024, 1,035 nit ñi Gàmbi gëna ñu am ci liiral U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) bu ñu doon gëna bëgg a yëgle. Gàmbi gëna ñu wone ko kompé "risik laaj" ak jëfandikoo yëgle yi U.S., moo taxawal ci koo xamal sañ-sañu, jëfandikoo yoonu bët bi, walla jëfandikoo yoonu bët bi ci Gàmbi. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk (2 paragraf suuf), benn xel du wara am.
Gambia Journal

Ñepp Seccos yi ci Niumi dangay Jëndal Njukkal ci Xarit – Foroyaa Newspaper

Mbooloomi: Ci Lower ak Upper Niumi Districts ci North Bank Region bu Gambia, dafa am solo seccos (agricultural cooperatives) nekkoon na ci xelam borom ñeelam ak ñent bu ñaar miliyoŋ Dalasi (D14,000,000). Soo ko taxawal, seccos yiy jëndalene borom ñeel yi ci kredit, ak Gambia Groundnut Corporation (GGC) dafay yëglee yoonu xalis soo ko taxawal ci solo. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof (maximum 2 paragraphs), waaye du ñu waxee.