Episode 2025-02-03

Today's Stories


Bayitukaayu Metali Dafa Jëfandikoo Suuf Bu Dafa Jëndal 11 Car Rapide GTSC Bu Yees – The Standard Newspaper

Yene yi ci jëfandikukat bu amoon metal lañu jënd ci kanam, lañu jëndal 11 car buñu defar ci dépôt bi Gambia Transport Service Corporation (GTSC) la am ci Kanifing. Dafa jënd ci Alxames, ak 4 car yu yees ci biir lañu jëndal. Car yiñu jëndal lañu jënd nañu lekkalekaay, te du kenn ci biir bi amul bët. Jëfandiku bi ci Wolof rekk lañu jëfandikoo (2 paragraph bi ñu dox), duñu lañu wax seen bop.
The Standard

Police Daara 4 Dëkk bi ci 72 Waxtu – The Standard Newspaper

Gambia Police Force daa am solo néew na ci biir yoonu tollu-y jëfandikoo ci 29 Janvie ak 1 Fevrier, yéppoon na ci yoonu tollu-y jëfandikoo Fatoumata Bintou Jallow ak Haddy Boye. Modou Musa Sisawo, yoonu jëfandikoo-y ci Police, daa jëfandikoo nekkoon na ci yoonu tollu-y jëfandikoo, ak yéppoon na ci yoonu tollu-y jëfandikoo. Nekkoon na ci yoonu tollu-y jëfandikoo, Adama Barrow, ci yoonu tollu-y jëfandikoo yeesal, daa jëfandikoo nekkoon na ci yoonu tollu-y jëfandikoo ci Gambia daa topp. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof (maximum 2 paragraphs), jëfandikoo yéppoon na ci yoonu tollu-y jëfandikoo.
The Standard

Manistara Bëgg na 2025 Mbooloo Lëkkalekaay Bi Nëbbu Taux Bi Deglu Sërvise Sivil – The Standard Newspaper

Ministri Jëfandikoo Xët wi Gambia, Baboucarr Bouy, daa yëgle yoonu ab njëkk bu yëg ci xët yi ci kanam, ci ngeen defar ci seeni njëkk ak ci seeni xalis yi. Njëkk bu yëg ci xët yi daa yëgle ci 30%, ak njëkk bu gis-gis ak bu dem ci ker gi daa yëgle ci 100% ak 105% yomb na. Yëgle gi daa def ci ab tolluwaayu xët ci Bijilo, ci seeni ministri, ab jigéen gu xët, ab jigéen gu gëstu, ak ab jigéen gu ñoom. Jëfandikoo xët wi daa yëgle yoonu ab njëkk bu yëg ci xët yi ci kanam, ci ngeen defar ci seeni njëkk ak ci seeni xalis yi. Njëkk bu yëg ci xët yi daa yëgle ci 30%, ak njëkk bu gis-gis ak bu dem ci ker gi daa yëgle ci 100% ak 105% yomb na. Yëgle gi daa def ci ab tolluwaayu xët ci Bijilo, ci seeni ministri, ab jigéen gu xët, ab jigéen gu gëstu, ak ab jigéen gu ñoom.
The Standard

Dëkk bi Wax na Yëngëlu Bët bu Jëfandikoo Bët bi $10,000 Nga Bëgg a Baay Ndox bi – The Standard Newspaper

Justice Ebrima Jaiteh ci Banjul High Court ci The Gambia, dañu ko defal leeral ci Ousman Manneh, manager ci Taitek Company ci Taiwan. Manneh dañu ko topp ci bëggul bokk néewi ci jëfandikoo yi ci xibaar yi ñu yoon wi ci Standard Chartered Bank ci Taiwan ci 2017 ak 2019. Dafa am xët bu ñu ordone Manneh bokk amand bi D100,000 walla jëm ci xaritam bi ñaari taari, ak bokk su fekk jëfandikoo yi US$10,000. Jëfandikoo yi dañu ko yëgle ci Manneh ci xibaar yi ñu yoon wi ci Standard Chartered Bank ci Taiwan ci 2017 ak 2019. Dafa am xët bu ñu ordone Manneh bokk amand bi D100,000 walla jëm ci xaritam bi ñaari taari, ak bokk su fekk jëfandikoo yi US$10,000.
The Standard

Prezidan Barrow yu amul xew-xew ak Yëgle Jële – The Standard Newspaper

Artik bi mooy jëfandikoo Prezidan Adama Barrow ak gouverneman bi Gambia, ci saa su nekk ci boppam ci seen bëj-saal bi, teyoonu ci seen yoonu yëg yu yees ci seen yoonu xarit yi ak seen yoonu wax ji. Moom, jëfandikoo ci kersa bi, tey seen bëj-saal bi dëkk na, moo ko defar ci seen yoonu jëfandikoo yu nekk ci boppam, seen yoonu xarit yi, seen yoonu wax ji ak seen yoonu jëfandikoo yu yees. Artik bi doxandikoo ci seen bëj-saal bi, moo ko defar ci seen yoonu jëfandikoo yu nekk ci boppam, seen yoonu xarit yi, seen yoonu wax ji ak seen yoonu jëfandikoo yu yees. Moom, jëfandikoo ci kersa bi, tey seen bëj-saal bi dëkk na, moo ko defar ci seen yoonu jëfandikoo yu nekk ci boppam, seen yoonu xarit yi, seen yoonu wax ji ak seen yoonu jëfandikoo yu yees.
The Standard

Bëggël Akksiyoŋ ci Jëm Gambia yu Nekk – The Standard Newspaper

Gambia dafa am jëfandikoo ak yoonu jëfandikoo yu yëg yu yëg, moo doxantu guvernema bi suuf si ay xët yu amul bët, ak amul bët ci jëfandikoo. Sosoom jëfandikoo yu nekk ci ADN bi, lañu koy waraloon ko niki yëg yu nekk, ndax dafa wara am ay xibaar yu mat, ay jëfandikoo, ak xelam yu jëfandikoo ci jëkkëru jëfandikoo. Xët bi daal lañu koy jëfandikoo ci jëkkëru jëfandikoo ak jëkkëru jëfandikoo, ndaxoonu wara am njoog njoog ak xibaar. Jëfandikoo bi ñu jëfandikoo ci Wolof (2 xët yu yëg), dafa meloon ni jëfandikoo.
The Standard

Côte D'Ivoire Dinaa Nëbb Gambia ak Kenya World Cup Match – The Standard Newspaper

Équipe nationale de football de la Gambie, Scorpions, dinaa jëfandikoo ci 2026 World Cup qualifier matches yu Kenya ak Côte d’Ivoire ci Abidjan, à cause du fait que Independence Stadium du warul dëggal ci 17 Mars. Suxaliku ci Abidjan lañuy jëfandikoo ci kër gi, ngir yëgle loolu ak yeneeni xibaar yu bëj-gànnaar. Lii, dafa yàgg nañu Gambiens yi, nga bëgg a gis Scorpions yi jëfandikoo ci kër gi, après cinq ans d'attente. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof (maximum 2 paragraphs), bu baax na, bu baax na.
The Standard


Confederation of African Football (Caf) daa la nekk ci njëkkëkat bu Gambian, ci topp Isatou Touray, ngir yëngal ci 2026 Women’s Africa Cup of Nations qualifier ci Togo ak Djibouti. Lii daal la melooni ci xelam yëngalekat yu Gambian ci kanam bu Afrig ak toppituwaayu yëngalekat yu jigéen ci xarit yi. Dinaa lañuy jëfandikoo ci Wolof (maximum 2 paragraphs), dafa melooni.
The Standard

Xët wi Rey gi: Nëbbu ci Jubluwaayu Dëkkandikuwaay ak Xibaari? - The Standard Newspaper

Dekk bi Adama Barrow moo ko def ci boppam, moo taxawal yëngal gi ci yoonu jëfandikooji Gàmbi, ak yoonu ngeenjëkaay bu ñu am 30% ci yoonu gëstu, dafa yëg ci yoonu xam-xam ci yëngal gi yoonu jëfandikooji bu ñu am ak bu ñu amul. Yëngukaay yi ñu firi, ci dekk bi dafa taxawal yëngal gi ci yoonu jëfandikooji ak yoonu bëj-sënt bu ñu am, dafa yëg yëngal gi yoonu jëfandikooji bu ñu am ak bu ñu amul. Dekk bi dafa yëg ci yoonu xam-xam ci yëngal gi yoonu jëfandikooji bu ñu am ak bu ñu amul. Dekk bi dafa yëg ci yoonu xam-xam ci yëngal gi yoonu jëfandikooji bu ñu am ak bu ñu amul. Yëngukaay yi ñu firi, ci dekk bi dafa taxawal yëngal gi ci yoonu jëfandikooji ak yoonu bëj-sënt bu ñu am, dafa yëg yëngal gi yoonu jëfandikooji bu ñu am ak bu ñu amul. Dekk bi dafa yëg ci yoonu xam-xam ci yëngal gi yoonu jëfandikooji bu ñu am ak bu ñu amul.
The Standard

Doomu Jëfandikooju diggante ciy jëfandikooju bi ngir jëflante tolluwaayu gëstu Askan Wi

Nekk ci yoonu xëtu rëdduwaayu Bijilo, Gambia, Ñëwkat bu Xët yi, Hon. Baboucarr Bouy, daa yëngal yoonu koy jëfandikoo ci mbooloo mi ñu jëfandikoo ci xët yi ak jëfandikoo yëngu yëngu. Yoon wi, moo jëfandikoo 30% ci mbooloo mi ak 100% ak 105% ci jëfandikoo yëngu yëngu, daa la nekk ci taamu ba noppi jëfandikoo yu profesyooneel ci Xët yi. Ñëwkat bi daa yëngal nekk ci taamu ba noppi mbooloo mi daa la nekk ci taamu ba noppi jëfandikoo yu profesyooneel ci Xët yi. Ñëwkat bi daa yëngal nekk ci taamu ba noppi mbooloo mi daa la nekk ci taamu ba noppi jëfandikoo yu profesyooneel ci Xët yi. Ñëwkat bi daa yëngal nekk ci taamu ba noppi mbooloo mi daa la nekk ci taamu ba noppi jëfandikoo yu profesyooneel ci Xët yi.
The Point

Police bi setal na 3 kër yi ñu amul bët, dëkk bi ñu waxoonu tey

Ci Gambia, Polis bi dañuy lank ci yoonu mbooloo yu yomb, ci lañu wànte Dippa Kunda ak ab jëfandikoo, ak Sinchu Malado ak ab njëkkëru jigéen ak góor. Dafayoo, autorite yi dañuy lank ci yoonu mbooloo yu amul baaxu ci Nema Kunku, ak taxawal ci yoonu dëkkë bi ci Brikama "Sandika" Market ak GTSC Depot. Lank yi dañuy jeex ci suuf, ak mbooloo yi dañuy wànte ci xarit yi. Ci suuf, dañuy jëfandikoo ak mbooloo yi dañuy wànte, ak yoonu post-mortem examinations dañuy jeex ci suuf. Mbooloo yi dañuy wànte ci xarit yi, ak yoonu dëkkë bi ci Brikama "Sandika" Market ak GTSC Depot.
The Point


Président Barrow, bu njëkk ci ñëw ci seen bopp, dañoo ci seen doomu ngeen ci The Gambia, ba pare ko dañoo am solo ci ñëw ci yoon wi. Ci atum wi, su fekkee The Gambia am 60 at, loolu daal nañoo suuf ci su fekkee Barrow dañoo am solo ci ñëw ci doomu ngeen yi ci atum wi walla su fekkee dañoo am solo yu yees ci atum wi, ndax seen doomu ngeen yi dañoo yëngul ci seen yoon wi. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk (2 paragraph bi), duñu jëfandikoo dara yeneeni.


Projet biir jëfekaayu xibaar yu nekkat ci Gambia, Hakalang Road, dafa am solo ci xibaari tax yi ak dafa dem cinq ans pour bougul, ak ay allocation yu am ay miliard yi ci dalasi. Malgré l'annonce que la route sera inaugurée en avril 2025, il y a des projections pour des allocations supplémentaires de 621 millions de dalasi en 2026 et 658 millions de dalasi en 2027, ce qui soulève des questions sur la gestion financière du projet. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof (maximum 2 paragraphes), kenn xamal.

Sanyang Alkalo Lamin Jabang Deggoo Teyyitam Yoonu Ndey, Jëfandikoo – The Fatu Network

Lamin Jabang, Alkalo Sanyang ci The Gambia, dafa wax ak sañ-sañ yi ak jëfandikukat yi ci sa kër gi ci 2022. Dafa ñëw ak jëfandikukat yu bëj-sët yi, dëkk bi dafa bëgg teewul, ak bët yi ci mbiri mi. Te waye, ci sañ-sañ yi, Jabang dafa jëfandikoo bët yu nekk ci dëkk bi, su ñeel ci suufu jàngandoo yu nekk ci dëkk bi, bank bi dëkk bi dafa may, ak xaritam yu nekk ci dëkk bi. Ci sañ-sañ yi, Jabang dafa jëfandikoo suufu jàngandoo yu nekk ci dëkk bi, bank bi dëkk bi dafa may, ak xaritam yu nekk ci dëkk bi.
Fatu Network

Renewu Wolof Community Dëggal Cornerstone Construction Ci Jëfandikoo CSR, Yëggaal Yoonu Ndimbalu Suuf – The Fatu Network

Nëbbee yi ñu dem Renewu Wolof, ci Diiwaan Sëntëral ci Gàmbi, dafa yëngal Cornerstone Construction ci jëfandikooju yëg yëg ci mbiri ak yëngu yëg (CSR), tey dafa nangu ab xew-xew bu ñuul. Konpani bi, loolu dafa xam nekk ci mbiri ak jëfandikooju yëg yëg ci péncu bi, dafa jëfandikoo ci warug ñepp, waaye ñoomi dafa laaj yoonu ndimbalu xew-xew bi. Diiwaan Sëntëral, dafa nekk ci péncu yi ci Gàmbi, dafa nangu ab xew-xew bu ñuul, loolu dafa doxandu gëdd gi, jëfandikooju yëg yëg ak xëy yëg. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk, (2 paragraph bi ñeew), benn ci biir.
Fatu Network

Toppal Ajie Jaila Sey: Nit Gambia bu Jublu Maquillage ak Jublu Journaliste – The Fatu Network

Ajie Jaila Sey, yëngul bu nekk ci Gambia, dañoo jëfandikoo yoonu jëfandikukat ak yoonu artis maquillage ba pare. Soo ko ci toppale ci yoonu media bi ci Gambia ak yoonu jëfandiku maquillage bi nga jëfandikoo, nanga defar seen bopp lekkal ci yoonu jëfandikukat ak yoonu podcaster, te yëngal yoonu jëfandiku maquillage bi ci yoonu spa bu nekk ci sañ-sañ. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk (2 paragraph ci suuf), dafay jëfandikoo.
Fatu Network

Sanyang Alkalo Lamin Jabang Degg Dëkkooji Jëfandikooji, Jëfandikooji – The Fatu Network

Lamin Jabang, Alkalo Sanyang ci The Gambia, dafa wax ak xew-xew ci kanamu ak jëfandikooju ci biir biir bi mu amee ci 2022. Ci wut ak jëfandikooju, dafa gis ay xew-xew bët ci ñëppi ak dëkk bi, ak dëkk biir biir bi, tey dafa gis ay jëfandikooju yu mujj ci toppale biir biir bi, su nekk ci suufu mbir mi, suufu xarit biir biir bi, ak suufu xibaar biir biir bi. Jabang dafa yëgle yëgle suufu xarit biir biir bi, suufu xarit biir biir bi, ak suufu xarit biir biir bi ci toppale biir biir bi. Dafa yëgle yëgle suufu xarit biir biir bi, suufu xarit biir biir bi, ak suufu xarit biir biir bi ci toppale biir biir bi.
Fatu Network

Renewu Wolof Community Dëggal Cornerstone Construction Ci Jëfandikoo CSR, Yëg Yëgul Lëkkalekaay Ci Ndimbalu Biir – The Fatu Network

Nëb bii ñu dem Renewu Wolof ci Région Rivière Central bu Gambia dafay yëngal Cornerstone Construction ci sa yëgle yëfandikooji sosiyal (CSR), teyoon ci kawam bu bëj-saal bi. Ñoom ñepp dafay jëfandikoo ak yëglewu yu yees ci kawam bi, yépp ñeel ci xelam yu rëy, yu mel ni ci gëmënaay bi, yu jëfandikoo ak xarit yi, ñoom yi, ak xëyam yi. Jëfandikoo ak yëgle Wolof rekk (ci ñaar paragraf yu gëna yëng), dafay jëfandikoo ak yëgle Wolof rekk.
Fatu Network

Lekk Ajie Jaila Sey: Nit Gambia bu am Samañu Maquillage ak Jëfandikukat bu Bëggul – The Fatu Network

Ajie Jaila Sey, yëngel Gàmbi gëm, dafa am solo jëfandikoo jàng ak jëfandikoo jëfëtu màkëp. Su ñu ko doxandoo ci kër gi ci yoonu jàngalekat bu ñëw, dafa jëfandikoo ci yoonu xarit màkëp, te ci suuf lañu ko def ci Media Academy for Journalism and Communication (MAJaC) ci Gàmbi. Sey dafa am solo jëfandikoo jàng ci yoonu jàngalekat bu leenkaay ak jëfandikoo màkëp ci yoonu xarit bu yomb. Dafa am solo jëfandikoo jàng ci yoonu jàngalekat bu leenkaay ak jëfandikoo màkëp ci yoonu xarit bu yomb.
Fatu Network

NEA Director Warns Against Littering, Calls for Proper Use of Cleansing Materials – Foroyaa Newspaper

The Director of the National Environment Agency (NEA) in The Gambia, Dr. Dawda Badjie, has warned against littering and emphasized the agency's commitment to enforcing anti-littering laws. During a ceremony at the NEA headquarters, the agency donated cleaning materials to various institutions to support environmental cleanliness efforts. Dr. Badjie expressed concern over the misuse of these materials and the increasing waste littered across the country.

Minister reveals about 2,700 staff not reporting to work – Foroyaa Newspaper

The Ministry of Public Service in The Gambia, led by Baboucarr Bouy, has identified approximately 2,700 'unseen workers' across ten ministries, saving about D13.5 million per month. Following an internal audit conducted in April 2024, over 3,000 workers' salaries were blocked, with 882 reinstated after verification of their statuses. The ministry is currently entering data for the fourteenth ministries as part of their ongoing internal audit.

Gov’t digitizing access to national documents – Foroyaa Newspaper

The Gambia's Minister of Public Service, Baboucarr Bouy, announced a collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Digital Economy and support from Bangladesh to digitize a government portal for improved public service delivery. The digitization process aims to simplify access to national identification cards, passports, driver’s licenses, birth certificates, and business registration. The Minister also revealed plans for an internal audit on all ministries, except Basic and Secondary Education, Health, and Agriculture, to control the country's wage bill.

Hakalang Road to be Inaugurated in April 2025 – Foroyaa Newspaper

The Gambia's Minister of Transport, Works and Infrastructure, Ebrima Sillah, has announced that the Hakalang road project is nearing completion, with an inauguration expected by the end of April 2025. The project, which is fully funded by the Gambian government, includes an 85-kilometer road stretch divided into three sections, with approximately 85% of the work already completed. The Minister also visited other ongoing road projects in the country, emphasizing that these roads are linked to essential services like hospitals and schools.

Old Jeshwang Health Centre Decorates Outstanding Staff – Foroyaa Newspaper

The Old Jeshwang Health Centre in The Gambia was recognized for its exceptional performance and dedication to providing quality medical services to the community. The award ceremony, held on 30th January 2025, acknowledged the significant roles of the staff and management in the facility's progress. The health center, serving a population of 21,863, conducts an average of 240 to 300 deliveries per year.

GPF Says Recent Alleged Murders Are Acts Of Domestic Violence – The Fatu Network

The Gambia Police Force has clarified recent alleged murder cases, stating they were acts of domestic violence within private residences, not public or gang-related crimes. Public Relations Officer Modou Musa Sisawo emphasized that these incidents, which occurred between January 29 and February 1, 2025, could not have been prevented through routine policing strategies. The police force is committed to addressing domestic violence through community policing, sensitization, strengthening laws and enforcement, and working with social services and civil society organizations.
Fatu Network

GPF Says Recent Alleged Murders Are Acts Of Domestic Violence – The Fatu Network

The Gambia Police Force has clarified that recent alleged murder cases were acts of domestic violence, not public or gang-related crimes, according to a press release. The cases, which occurred between January 29 and February 1, 2025, took place within private residences and involved individuals with pre-existing personal relationships. The police force emphasized its commitment to addressing domestic violence through community policing, early reporting encouragement, and collaboration with social services and civil society organizations.
Fatu Network

The Gambia JournalRights Group Calls for Explanation Over Arrest of Sira Touray

The Edward Francis Small Centre for Rights and Justice (EFSCRJ) in The Gambia has expressed concern over the arrest and detention of Sira Touray by the Gambia Police Force. The rights group has urged the Inspector General of Police to respect Touray's rights in detention and provide a public update on the circumstances surrounding her arrest. The case has raised issues about due process and detainee rights in The Gambia.
Gambia Journal

The Gambia JournalGambia Police Rejects Crime Surge Claims, Says Recent Murders Stem from Domestic Violence

The Gambia Police Force has clarified that recent murder cases were acts of domestic violence, not random or gang-related crimes, occurring between January 29 and February 1, 2025. The incidents took place in private residences in Bansang, Wellingara, Dippa Kunda, and Sinchu Malado, involving individuals with pre-existing relationships. The police are urging for greater societal involvement in addressing domestic violence and have initiated a community sensitization program on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) and domestic abuse.
Gambia Journal

The Gambia JournalDLEAG Operatives Seize Over 128,000 Ecstasy Pills at Banjul International Airport

The Drug Law Enforcement Agency, The Gambia (DLEAG) has arrested Gambian national Saikou Krubally in a major drug bust at Banjul International Airport, seizing 128,745 ecstasy pills. Krubally, who arrived in Banjul from Brussels, was under surveillance and was arrested on February 2, 2025. This arrest is part of DLEAG's ongoing efforts to combat drug trafficking through the airport, with more than 215,000 ecstasy pills and other illicit substances seized in the past three months.
Gambia Journal