Episode 2025-02-04

Today's Stories


Suufekaay Biir Mbëggaan Mbemba Drammeh - The Standard Newspaper

Jëfandikukat bu ñu dox NPP te ñow UDP, Mbemba Drammeh, dañoo ko jëfandikoo ak jëfandikoo ci jëfandikukat bu Gambia. Lii daal na ci jëfandikoo Drammeh ci December ci mbind mi ñu ko def ci xel mi Adama Barrow, ci suuf ci suuf dañoo ko defar France. Dafa jëfandikoo jëfandikukat bu ñu dox Mbemba Drammeh paske dafa man a yëglee ci jëfandikukat bu ñu dox ci mbind mi ñu ko def. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof (2 paragraph bi ñu néew), dafa mel ni waral.
The Standard

Nit ñi Senegal lañu gis bokkoonu politigue ak sañ-sañi - 'dëkkal $25 Million ci Gambia' – The Standard Newspaper

Njëbëkaay ak soppi politig, Bougane Guèye, moo Senegal la, daa yëgle ci jëm ci $25 million ci Gambia, su beesoon ak Adama Barrow, prësidaan Gambia la. Jëm gi daa koy liggéey ci bëccëg yu yees, yéppoon yu media, génie informatique ak agrobusiness. Dafa am solo ci kanam gu politig gi, moo yëgle ci jëm ci liggéey. Dinaa leen yëgle ci Wolof (2 paragraph bi nom), dafa mel ni warul.
The Standard

GPA MD Daf Yëgle Sanyang Community ci Xew-xew yi ci Port Bi Bees – The Standard Newspaper

Gambia Ports Authority (GPA) dafa am bëgg bëggel ak jëfandikukat bi Sanyang ci xew-xewu ci mbiri mbirum port bi, lañuy defar 461 fananef ak loxo. Jëfandikukat bi dañuy laaj benn benn yëng-yëng yi ci port bi du deep sea dina ñëw ci Tourism Development Area, ndax benn loxo du man a yëgle. Ci jëfandiku bi, GPA dañuy fexe xam-xam jëfandikukat bi ci mbiri mbirum port bi ak dafa am bëgg bëggel ci jëfandikukat yi ci jëfandiku mbiri mbirum port bi. Jëfandikukat bi dañuy laaj benn benn yëng-yëng yi ci port bi du deep sea dina ñëw ci Tourism Development Area, ndax benn loxo du man a yëgle. Ci jëfandiku bi, GPA dañuy fexe xam-xam jëfandikukat bi ci mbiri mbirum port bi ak dafa am bëgg bëggel ci jëfandikukat yi ci jëfandiku mbiri mbirum port bi.
The Standard

PEC Bi Taxawu SSHFC Moo Bëgg €9.8 Million Bi Nekk Buss Bi, Bëggul A Lëkkalekaat Conseil Bi – The Standard Newspaper

Yenni jëfekaay bi dañuy jëfandikoo te Direkteer gu jëm bu Gambia gi, Social Security and Housing Finance Corporation (SSHFC), dañuy jëfandikoo pur 9.8 million euro bi, tey jëfandikoo bi mu jëfandikoo ci ndimbalu bi, te du wara am yeneeni jëfandikoo ci këru bi. Komite bi ci Palmaar bi, Public Enterprises Committee of the National Assembly, dañuy jëfandikoo bii xew-xew bi ci jëfekaay bi ci 2022 ak jëfekaay yu jëfandikoo ci SSHFC. SSHFC dañuy laajoon yeneeni jëfandikoo ci jëfandikoo yi ci jëfekaay bi mu man a dëggal. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk (2 paragraf bi ñu dox), du yeneeni.
The Standard

Sey, Kanam-kanam bu jëm ci yoon, dafa Sëj Barrow ci Taxawal bu Bees - The Standard Newspaper

Essa Bokarr Sey, kanam bu jëkkëru ambasader ak jëkkëru borom bi ci biiru OIC Gambia Secretariat, dañoo bëgg a yëg ci xët yëngal Adama Barrow, kanam bu jëkkëru. Sey, bu jëkkëru na ci kanam yi ci Taiwan ak Amerig, dañoo wax ci kaw ci wàññi ak jëfandikoo alal bu jëkkëru, ak yëgle loxo bu am ci sañ-sañu, dafa ñu jëfandikoo xew-xew ak yëgle politig ci Afrik bu Wëst. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof (2 paragraf ñaari), benn xel wu nekk.
The Standard

Njie Charakh Business School Deggoo 200 Fanmoo Ñëpp – The Standard Newspaper

Njie Charakh School of Business Training ci Gambia, dañoo diñoo 200 benn yaye bi ñoo jëfandikoo ci jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo biir ak jëfandikoo
The Standard

2 Xarit yi Logic Sports Academy Dem nañu Jordan – The Standard Newspaper

Alagie Ceesay ak Alagie Secka, ñiñ yi yu yëng yu Logic Sports Academy bi ci Gambia, dinañu koy jëfandikoo ci loxo bi ak xët wu ñëw ci New English School bi ci Jordan. Lii moo jëfandikoo ci beneen yoon ak Logic Sports ak xët bi, beneen yoon bu Minyan Jobe, prézidan bi ci Logic Sports, mën naa nekk ci beneen yoon yu baax yi ci ñiñ yi ak baaba yi. Jëfandikoo Wolof bi nom rekk (maximum 2 paragraph), benn xel rekk.
The Standard

AG Dawda Jallow Ak Ida Persson Yi Xew Xew Bu Jëfandikoo Ci Njëkkar Waati Sëtu Gambia – The Standard Newspaper

Ministru Justis bi Gambia la, Dawda Jallow, ak conseiller bi, Ida Persson, dafa wax ak West Coast Radio ci xibaar yi ci program bi Justis Transitionnelle bi. Yi dañu waraloon ci boppam yoonu amul solo ci xelam, ak yoonu am solo ci politigu yu yeesal yi. Program bi, moo bëgg ak Commission bi Vérité, Réconciliation, et Réparations (TRRC), dafa am ci yoonu stratégie bi ñu dëkk ci défi yi système bi la, yu nekkoon ci Gambia ci ñaari tan. Tey, ci suufu kritik yi ak allégations yi ci manquements yi procédure bi, Ministère bi Justis dina la am solo ci légalité, équité, ak rigueur yi procédure bi, ci yoonu jëfandikoo défi yi histoire bi Gambia la. Dinañu leen jëfandikoo ci Wolof nom rekk (maximum 2 paragraphes), dafa mel ni waral.
The Standard

Mali, Burkina, Ak Niger Yi Ñëw Ecowas: Njëkkati Ak Xët Bu Gambia Ak Yeneen - The Standard Newspaper

Artik bi wax na ci ñi bokk Mali, Burkina Faso ak Niger ci Ñëppi Jëfandikooju Ekonomig bu Afrik Sëri (Ecowas) ci xew-xewu ñoomi, jëfandikooju ekonomig, ak xëyam yu yëgle, ak jëfandikooju ci Gambia. Moom daal na ko Gambia, bu ñu jëfandikooju ci Ecowas ci xëyam yu yëgle, dafa wara am xëyam yu yëgle ci seen bopp ngir jëfandikooju ci seen bopp ak seen xam-xam. Artik bi daal na ko dafa wara am xew-xew ak yoonu jëfandikooju ekonomig ci Afrik Sëri ànd ak bii soppi. Artik bi daal na ko Gambia, bu ñu jëfandikooju ci Ecowas ci xëyam yu yëgle, dafa wara am xëyam yu yëgle ci seen bopp ngir jëfandikooju ci seen bopp ak seen xam-xam. Moom daal na ko dafa wara am xew-xew ak yoonu jëfandikooju ekonomig ci Afrik Sëri ànd ak bii soppi.
The Standard

'JUSTICE' Gambia ak Maggi Jëfandikooju Liggéey bi Ñëw - The Standard Newspaper

Gambia daa demoon yoonu loxo biir biir boppam "JUSTICE: Let There Be Justice Though The Heavens Fall," loolu daa laajoon ci yoonu waxtaanu loxo, yoonu xam-xam, ak yoonu xalaat. Biir biir bii, FaFa Edrissa M’Bai, yoonu juriste bu mag, daa jëfandikoo benn platforme ci la juriste yi, jëfandikoo ak xare yi, ngir waxtaan ci yoonu xibaar yu am solo. Yoonu xët wu njëkk daa jëfandikoo ay màttukaay yu bari, yeneeni ci diiwaanu loxo, roogu yoonu jëfandikoo ci yoonu wàcce ak yoonu xalaat, ak yoonu xalaat bu jigéen. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof (2 xët yu yëngë), benn benn.
The Standard

The Gambia JournalGambia International Airlines Dajale 2025 Hajj Package ci D525,000

Gambia International Airlines Ltd. (GIA) daa gis biir ak xibaar yi ak njaajum bu ñu jëfandikoo Hajj 2025 bi, bu ñu jëfandikoo ci D525,000 ba benn jëjëkat. Jëfandikuwaay bi daa lañuy yebbe ci Gambia ak Arabi Saoudi, xarit yi ak otel yi, geew yi, beneen yoon yi, ak beneen liter bu 5 bu ndox Zam Zam. Waaye, njaajum bu xar bu Tobaski dañoo ko jëfandikoo, ak jëjëkat yi nekk a bëgg a jëfandikoo Tobaski dañoo ko bayyi D15,000. Jëfandikoo bi dañoo jëfandikoo xar bu Tobaski, ak jëjëkat yi nekk a bëgg a jëfandikoo Tobaski dañoo ko bayyi D15,000.
Gambia Journal

Dafa yomb Brikama Sandika

Dafa am, suufu jëm, bu tambali ci 4am, du ko ñuul ci xibaar bi, mooy jëfandikoo yu nekk ci gox bi, waaye dafa yëgle ak yeneeni ñi ñu jëfandikoo yu nekk, ndax ñi ñu jëfandikoo yu nekk ñu nekkoon ci suufu jëm bi. Dafa am, Sandika, bu jëmële nit ñi ñu nekk ci Kombos ak yeneen ñi, dafa am xarit ci ñi ñu jëfandikoo yu nekk ak yeneeni xibaar ak jëfandikoo.
The Point

Manistari moo yëgle ciwaatukaayu 2,700 du yëngu ci xët – Foroyaa Newspaper

Amadou Manjang la Dëkkaliku Ministri bi ñu jëfandikoo xibaar, Baboucarr Bouy, moo taxawal na ci kowam 2,700 nit ñi ñu gisul ci ñeentu ministri ñi ñu jëfandikoo Ministri bi ñu jëfandikoo xibaar, petrolium, dëkk bi, jënd, jëfandikoo loxo, jëfandikoo dëkk bi, jëfandikoo defans, jëfandikoo transport, jëfandikoo turism, jëfandikoo bët, jëfandikoo finans, jëfandikoo étidj yu rëy, jëfandikoo komers, ak jëfandikoo yëng-yëng.

Pre-Selection of Workers to Spain Starts, Hundreds of Youth Desperate to Get Forms – Foroyaa Newspaper

The Republic of Gambia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Kingdom of Spain to recruit Gambians for work in Spain, with the Gambia government starting the distribution of application forms. The applicants must be Gambian nationals aged between 25 and 50, with a valid passport and experience in agriculture, particularly fruit picking and handling. The final selection will be determined through an interview process involving the Spanish Office of Labour, Migration and Social Security officials, the Spanish Embassy in The Gambia, and the Spanish employer.

NCCE Urges Villagers to Participate in Massembeh Ward By-Election – Foroyaa Newspaper

The National Council for Civic Education (NCCE) in The Gambia is encouraging residents of Jasobo and Jomari to vote in the upcoming Massembeh Ward by-election on February 22, 2025, following the death of the United Democratic Party (UDP) councilor Bakary Korita. The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has scheduled candidate nominations from February 5 to 8, and the official campaign period will run from February 10 to 20. The NCCE's campaign aims to promote peaceful elections, public accountability, and increased voter participation.

PEC to Summon Finance Minister, OVP over Procurement of GTSC Buses Worth over D6 Million – Foroyaa Newspaper

The Public Enterprise Committee (PEC) of the National Assembly in The Gambia has decided to question the Office of the Vice President and Finance Ministry about the €9.8 million spent on 70 buses for the Gambia Transport Service Company (GTSC). The decision follows discussions with the Social Security and Housing Finance Corporation (SSHFC) and the GTSC about the unrecovered expenditure. The government had initially directed the purchase of 50 buses, later adding 20 more, with the promise of refunding the money, a promise that has yet to be fulfilled.

VP Jallow Calls for Energy Transformation at African Heads of State Summit – Foroyaa Newspaper

Mohammed BS Jallow, Vice President of The Gambia, represented his country at the African Heads of State Energy Summit, where he emphasized the importance of energy in national development and economic empowerment. In his address, he reaffirmed The Gambia's commitment to expanding electricity access, aiming to provide power to 90% of its population by June 2025 and achieve universal electricity access by the end of 2025. The summit, organized by the African Union, the World Bank, and the African Development Bank, sought to strategize on achieving universal electricity access for over 300 million people across Africa.

WAIFEM, MoFEA Concludes Training on Debt Sustainability Analysis – Foroyaa Newspaper

The Gambia's Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs (MoFEA) has concluded an eight-day Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) training to enhance the country's debt management capabilities. The training, conducted in partnership with the West Africa Institute for Financial and Economic Management (WAIFEM) and funded by the Africa Legal Support Facility (ALSF), involved officials from various Gambian financial institutions. The initiative aims to address institutional capacity challenges and foster inter-agency coordination for effective and sustainable debt management.


In the aftermath of the rainy season, regions in The Gambia such as Banni, Limbambulu Yamadou, Sami Koto, Basse, Sandu, and Jimara experienced severe flooding, causing damage to farms, homes, and businesses. Despite the passage of several months, there has been no government assistance provided to the victims. The news outlet Foroyaa plans to contact the NDMA to inquire about their plans for the affected individuals.

PPP Internal Conflict: Faction Claims December Congress Invalidated Due To Constitutional Breaches – The Fatu Network

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP), once a significant political force in The Gambia, is facing internal disputes and a decline in influence. A faction within the party has challenged the results of the leadership election held in December, alleging constitutional violations by some candidates. Uthman Jeng, a representative of the dissenting faction, emphasized the importance of constitutional integrity and fairness in the electoral process.
Fatu Network

PPP Internal Conflict: Faction Claims December Congress Invalidated Due To Constitutional Breaches – The Fatu Network

The People's Progressive Party (PPP), once a significant political entity during Jawara's administration in The Gambia, is currently facing internal disputes and a decline in influence. A faction within the party has challenged the leadership elected in the December congress, citing constitutional breaches. Uthman Jeng, a representative of the faction, emphasized the importance of constitutional integrity and fairness in the electoral process, stating that the faction is not contesting the election results, but rather highlighting constitutional violations.
Fatu Network

The Gambia JournalRevealed: Flaws in Gambia Government’s Seaport Concession with Albayrak (TAT)

The Gambia government's concession agreement with Turkish company Albayrak for the management of the Banjul Seaport and the development of a Deep Seaport in Sanyang has been marred by irregularities, according to an investigation by The Alkamba Times. The report raises concerns about the bidding process, Albayrak’s qualifications, and the government’s decision-making, with allegations that the contract was awarded despite Albayrak failing to meet all bid requirements. The investigation also reveals financial and managerial disputes within the Albayrak-Negmar Consortium, and allegations of corruption and mismanagement in Albayrak's past engagements in other African countries.
Gambia Journal

The Gambia JournalGambian Contractor Admits Paying Bribe to Kuntaur Area Council Officials

A Gambian contractor, Lamin Y.F.A. Mboge, has admitted to the Local Government Commission of Inquiry that he paid a bribe to officials of the Kuntaur Area Council after securing a government contract. Mboge, the proprietor of Mbulmano Construction, claimed that council officials demanded a bribe of 150,000 dalasi in relation to a borehole drilling contract, which he negotiated down to 100,000 dalasi. The Commission of Inquiry was established to investigate the financial and administrative operations of local councils, with the aim of improving transparency and accountability.
Gambia Journal

The Gambia JournalGambia Inks Free Roaming Agreement with Liberia and Sierra Leone

The Gambia, Sierra Leone, and Liberia have signed a historic agreement to implement free roaming, aiming to lower mobile costs for travelers and improve regional connectivity. The deal, which aligns with ECOWAS regulations, was formalized by regulators from each country's telecommunications authority and is expected to boost trade, tourism, and business operations. The initiative is part of a broader effort to expand free-roaming agreements across all ECOWAS member states, potentially contributing to Africa's projected $180 billion digital economy by 2025.
Gambia Journal