Episode 2025-01-31

Today's Stories



Gambia ak polis yi dañuy liggéeyal lii lañuy wone bëggel bu Senegal la, Moussa Bâ, bu jëm a jëm ci Bansang Sukuru Kunda Allatentu. Bëggel bi dañoo leen ko def ci Janvie 29, ak yëng-yëng yi dañuy wone nekkoon naa ci jëfandikoo bëggel bi, ñi dañuy jëfandikoo nekkoon naa ci kër gi, lañuy wone nekkoon naa ci moussa Bâ, lañuy jëfandikoo nekkoon naa ci kër gi. Polis bi dañuy yëgle ci xët yi ngir jëfandikoo bëggel bi. Polis bi dañuy yëgle ci xët yi ngir jëfandikoo bëggel bi. Dañuy jëfandikoo nekkoon naa ci kër gi. Dañuy yëgle ci xët yi ngir jëfandikoo bëggel bi.
The Standard

Victims Centre Jëkkërkati Booloo Ciit Yëgge Nañu Gov't Akk Mandaarukaayu Dëkkët Bi Jammeh - The Standard Newspaper

Sheriff Kijera, kanam bu jëkkëru Gambia Centre for Victims of Human Rights Violations, daa lañ ko defar President Barrow ngir am solo internasional ci Yahya Jammeh, kanam bu yeesal. Nii ngi toppoon ci suuf ci Jammeh, li jëm ci Equatorial Guinea, daa lañ ko defar solo ci kanam bi, tey ci jëm ci Gambia, yëngaloon solo ci kanamam. Kijera, kanam bu jëkkëru Accountability Project Gambia, daa lañ ko defar President Barrow yëngal ci Jammeh dinañ ko solo te dinañ ko jëfandikoo suuf su lañ ko defar. Dinañ ko solo ci kanam bi, tey ci jëm ci Gambia, yëngaloon solo ci kanamam. Kijera, kanam bu jëkkëru Accountability Project Gambia, daa lañ ko defar President Barrow yëngal ci Jammeh dinañ ko solo te dinañ ko jëfandikoo suuf su lañ ko defar.
The Standard

Gisub Gëna Saatu Ci GPPC Su Ñu Yëgle MD Bi Ñu Doxalin – The Standard Newspaper

Njëmëj bu beugoon ci xaritu wërsëk yu Gambia Printing & Publishing Corporation, bi tànn na ci doomi xibaar yi, dañoo yëgle. Njëmëj bi dañ na am solo ci xibaar yu jaan yi ci xaritam xibaar yi ak yëgle yu bës bi ci biir biiru xibaar yi. Xaritu wërsëk bi, Momodou Ceesay, dañ na dem ci xaritam xibaar yi ci sababu yu laaj yu jëfandikoo ak yu laaj yu jëfandikoo, ak su fekkoon na laajoon yu laaj yu jëfandikoo, dañ na yëgle ak yëgle ci xaritu wërsëk bi. Yëgle ak Wolof (2 paragraf bi ñu ñëw), dafa mel ni waral.
The Standard

Ministère des Affaires Étrangères Jot Na NA ci Palanteeram Yoo Yëggu Lii Ñu Bëgg a Dëkkal – The Standard Newspaper

Ministru Waaxu Bëj-gànnaar Gàmbiya, Dr Momodou Tangara, dafa yëgle Asaamaan Waaxu Bëj-gànnaar Palmaar la ci bëj-gànnaar yu yees yi ci Berlin, Stockholm, ak Tokyo. Yëgle yoonu jëfandikoo ci bëj-gànnaar yu yees yi dañoo koo jëfandikoo ak jëfandikoo, te rapor yi ñu yonnee ci Biiru Présidàns la ci yoonu yeneen yëgle. Ministru Tangara dañoo yëgle Asaamaan Waaxu Bëj-gànnaar Palmaar la ci Loi Service Étranger, loolu lañu mën a tambalee te yonnee ci Palmaar la ci suufu 2025. Jëfandikoo ci Wolof rekk (2 paragraf ñeent la), benn xel rekk.
The Standard

Bëggelu Jëfandikoo: Dëkkalu Bët Nit Ëpp Ci Gambia – The Standard Newspaper

Artik bi wax na ci tendens bi ñu yëg ci Gambia, li ñu defar nit ñi ci boromam ak bët, ndax dafa ñàkkoon yoonu wàllu Gambia ak dëkkal ci seen boppam. Artik bi la bëggal ci jëfandikoo bu jëfandikoo ak wax jàmbat bi, tey dëkkal ci yoonu wàllu ak jëfandikoo, moo taxawal ni jëfandikoo bu yëg ci borom Gambien man na ubbi teranga ci benn yeneeni Gambien yi. Artik bi la gëna am solo ci bëggal ci jëfandikoo ak yoonu wàllu ci xelam ak boromam, tey yoonu wàllu Gambia. Artik bi la gëna am solo ci bëggal ci jëfandikoo ak yoonu wàllu ci xelam ak boromam, tey yoonu wàllu Gambia.
The Standard


Ministère bi ñu am ci Yëngëm ak Sport yi ci Gambia lañuy metti jaar jaar gi ci xibaar yi ñu am, ñu am ci mbir mi ñu gëna yëngal, ñu gëna yëngal, ak ñu toppaleeti stratégie yi ñu am ci avenir bi. Représentant yi ñu am ci benn benn institut yi, su fekka President's International Awards ak National Sports Council, lañu yëngal yëngëlu yi ñu am ak xew-xew yi ñu am, ñu yëngal ñëpp li ñu am ci travail d'équipe ak communication efficace. Xibaar gi lañuy yëngal ci mbir mi ñu am, ñu am ci benn benn institut satellite yi ñu am ci Ministère bi ñu am ci Yëngëm ak Sport yi ak project yi ñu am. Jële ko ci Wolof (maximum 2 paragraph), jële koñ laata.
The Standard

Gambia to open 3 new embassies in Europe

The Gambia is in the process of establishing embassies in Berlin, Stockholm, and Tokyo, with fact-finding missions completed and reports submitted to the President's Office for further directives. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, and Gambians Abroad, along with other departments, are involved in the delegations for these missions. Germany is prioritized due to the challenges faced from the country and the recent opening of a German embassy in The Gambia.
The Point

Gambian asylum seekers in Italy to be transferred to Albania

Italy's offshoring scheme for refugees, which includes Gambians, has been criticized by international human rights bodies. The government of Giorgia Meloni recently passed a decree stating that individuals from countries deemed "safe," including The Gambia, cannot be granted political asylum. Despite this, an official has confirmed that the fundamental rights of any Gambian with a genuine claim will be respected under the 1951 Geneva Convention on the protection of refugees.
The Point

Senegalese national allegedly murdered in Bansang

In Bansang, the lifeless body of Musa Bah, a Senegalese national, was discovered following a distress call to local officers. Preliminary investigations suggest that Bah was last seen with two individuals claiming to be his relatives, who are now missing. An investigation is ongoing to determine the circumstances of his death, with the public urged to provide any relevant information.
The Point

2025 Germany’s Election: Anti-Migrant Campaign Triggers Outrage, Authorities Initiate Criminal Investigation Into “Fake Deportation Tickets” – The Fatu Network

The political climate in Germany is becoming increasingly challenging for migrants, including over 30,000 Gambians, due to the rising popularity of the far-right party, Alternative for Germany (AfD). The party, known for its anti-migrant stance, has recently distributed around 30,000 counterfeit "deportation" tickets, sparking nationwide outrage and comparisons to Nazi-era practices. Gambian migrant activist in Germany, Yahya Sonko, warns that the growing support for AfD could lead to stricter residency requirements and an increased risk of deportation for immigrant communities.
Fatu Network

2025 Toxal Almànn: Yoonu Mëgët yi Ci Bëgg-Bëgg-Bëgg, Dëkk Bi Tànnat, Autorite yi Tàmbalee Suuf Suuf Ci "Billets Deportation Yiy Jëfandikoo" - The Fatu Network

Dëkk bi politig bi ci Almay, dafa yëg nañu yëngël ci jamono jëfandikukat yi ci Gàmbi, su fekk naa parti far-right bi Alternative for Germany (AfD) moo doxanti ak mbind mi doxanti jëfandikukat yi. Parti bi ñeel nañu ci àdduna bi 30,000 tiket "deportation" yu yomb, moo jëflante ak jëfandikukat yi ak moo bëggee bët ci àddina. Activist Gàmbi Yahya Sonko dafay jëflante ci mbind mi, su fekk naa AfD dëgg-dëgg naa, dafa man a am solo ci yoonu jëfandikukat yi ci Gàmbi ak yeneen jëfandikukat yi ci Almay. Jëfandikukat yi ci Gàmbi ak yeneen jëfandikukat yi ci Almay dafay jëflante ci mbind mi, su fekk naa AfD dëgg-dëgg naa, dafa man a am solo ci yoonu jëfandikukat yi.
Fatu Network

Barrow Downplays Jammeh’s Threats, Says Justice Awaits Exiled Former President

President Adama Barrow of The Gambia has responded to threats from exiled predecessor Yahya Jammeh, stating that if Jammeh returns to the country, he must face justice for alleged crimes committed during his 22-year rule. This comes after Jammeh, currently in exile in Equatorial Guinea, suggested in a recent speech that he would reclaim power upon his return. The Gambian government maintains that Jammeh can return as a citizen, but not to power, and must answer for his past actions.
Gambia Journal

President Barrow Open to Dialogue with Ousainou Darboe, Rejects Partisan Gridlock

President Adama Barrow of The Gambia has expressed his readiness to engage in direct talks with Ousainou Darboe, the leader of the main opposition United Democratic Party (UDP), amidst ongoing tensions between the ruling National People’s Party (NPP) and the UDP. The President emphasized the importance of national interests over political rivalries and reiterated his support for constitutional reforms, including presidential term limits. The move signals a potential shift in political engagement as the country seeks a new constitution that balances democratic governance with executive authority.
Gambia Journal

Cost of Living and Industrialize Gambian Economy – President Barrow Outlines Strategy

President Adama Barrow of The Gambia has emphasized his government's commitment to reducing living costs, increasing domestic production, and modernizing infrastructure for economic stability. He outlined efforts to encourage business investment in agriculture and energy, including a tender for a 50MW solar farm, and addressed concerns over the privatization of the country's main port. Barrow's administration faces the challenge of translating these policies into real economic relief for ordinary Gambians, with the success of these initiatives crucial in determining whether The Gambia can achieve sustainable growth and reduce its dependence on imports.
Gambia Journal

Gambian Court Issues Bench Warrant for Bemba Drammeh Over Seditious Intent Case

A bench warrant has been issued in The Gambia for the arrest of Bemba Drammeh, who failed to appear in court to face charges of seditious intent. Drammeh, who had previously been granted bail, fled the country and did not attend his scheduled court hearing. He had previously claimed in an interview that the 2021 presidential election was rigged, and his absence has led to his bail being revoked.
Gambia Journal